January 2022 – Monthly Newsletter

January 2022 – Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friend, At the age of fourteen, I had been appropriately instructed by my parents about human sexuality, but in that January of my eighth-grade year, mom and dad had to explain to me the horrors of abortion. In my adolescent mind, the only thing I could imagine...

December 2021- Monthly Newsletter

December 2021- Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friend, As we enter this Advent season, our very secular world is confronted with the Bible’s narrative of the God of this universe taking on human flesh for the purpose of the redemption of mankind. I pray that as Christians celebrate the birth of our Savior, we...

November 2021 – Monthly Newsletter

November 2021 – Monthly Newsletter

  Dear Friend, First, from our family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!  Taking time to count my blessings might not be terribly original for a November appeal letter, but I hope my publicly giving thanks will encourage you to pray for the League. The Executive Director,...

October 2021 Newsletter

October 2021 Newsletter

Dear Friend, When writing the League’s monthly appeal, I imagine what I’d say if I were sitting at your kitchen table. It’s easy expressing thanks and appreciation for your financial support and prayers. However, the hard part is communicating the sense of urgency...

September 2021 Newsletter

September 2021 Newsletter

Dear Friend, Summer is nearly over, but the League’s phone lines, email accounts, and text boxes are still burning up. I don’t remember a time during my eleven years at the League when so many people reached out in distress to us. Here’s just a topical representation...

August 2021 Newsletter

August 2021 Newsletter

Dear Friend,   I wish each of you could have experienced the passion and optimism that filled the rooms of our very first candidate training sessions in Auburn and in Bangor last month. Congratulations to our Policy Director, Mike McClellan, and our Legislative...

July 2021 Monthly Newsletter

July 2021 Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friend, From a human perspective, this month’s letter is a difficult one to pen. As we anticipate celebrating the USA‘s birthday, many of the freedoms exceptionally experienced in our country are being trampled on in Augusta and Washington, DC. The blessings of...

June 2021 Newsletter

June 2021 Newsletter

Dear Friend, How incredibly infuriating it was to see the Maine Council of Churches [MCC] give testimony in opposition to every single pro-life legislation before the Judiciary Committee last month. This egregious, yet predictable support of the abortion industry is...

May 2021 Newsletter

May 2021 Newsletter

  Dear Friend, Were you horrified when our legislators recently passed bills forcing Mainers to pay for abortions? How concerned were you when our leaders recently voted to remove religious and philosophical exemptions mandating vaccinations? Now our elected officials...

April 2021 Newsletter

April 2021 Newsletter

Dear Friend, The Apostle Peter reminds us in the verses above of our living hope is made possible through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Scripture tells us the apostles were filled with great grace as they testified the truth of the resurrection. In Acts 3:15,...

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