October 2020 Newsletter
Dear Friend, Every two years, one of the most difficult appeal letters I pen is the October newsletter because it goes out just before our elections. It is a challenging task because I sense the weight of my responsibility to inspire Christians to invest in the...
September 2020 Newsletter
Dear Friend, If you believe the League can make a positive difference in this fall’s critical elections, now is the time to act and invest in Pews to the Polls. Because of COVID-19, most political observers believe there will be an unprecedented number of citizens...
August 2020 Newsletter
Dear Friend, As a Christian, I pray God will help me keep an eternal perspective and use me to point others to the cross and His salvation. That eternal perspective in no way relieves me from the biblical responsibilities of stewardship as a husband, father, grampie,...
July 2020 Newsletter
Dear Friend, he words above are the lyrics of a well-known song. The next two lines read, “And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave, O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.” That’s right, those are the last four lines of the...
June 2020 Newsletter
Dear Friend, od’s plan to change the world with the power of the Gospel has remained constant. It is His Church, when courageous and obedient, that will deliver His hope, His healing, and His blessings to our lost and broken communities. What a...
May 2020 Newsletter
Dear Friend, hen we closed the League offices on March 17 and told our team to work from home, I never could have guessed how busy we would be and how many pandemic issues would consume the coming days. Here is what we have been up to: organizing...
April 2020 Newsletter
He is not here; he is risen, just as he said Dear Friend, As Christians all over the world prepare to celebrate Easter, we do so in some of the most uncertain and unfamiliar circumstances many of us have experienced. We are uncertain if we can gather together to...
March 2020 Newsletter
Dear Friend, hortly after the Maine House voted to stop sports betting from being legalized in our state, the bill’s primary sponsor declared to a TV crew, “I’m very disappointed… a lot of representatives down here need to get permission from the...
February 2020 Newsletter
Dear Friend, ow! 2020 is here and the League team is in full throttle. The legislature is in session, and this is the earliest we’ve ever had to fully engage in lobbying against harmful bills. Here are the issues we are battling in Augusta:...
January 2020 Newsletter
Dear Friend, was raised by Christian parents who were optimists; therefore, I approach each New Year with the hope of God’s blessings knowing His purposes will be fulfilled. This hope is neither naïve nor irresponsible as I have grave concerns...