July 2019 Newsletter

July 2019 Newsletter

I can’t write a July newsletter without wishing you a happy Independence Day. I do pray we all take some time aside from the parades, picnics, and fireworks to thank God for the freedoms we enjoy here in the U.S.A.  Without question, this past legislative session was...
June 2019 Newsletter

June 2019 Newsletter

    Dear Friend, Recently, while being interviewed on a secular radio station, the host unexpectedly asked me, “Carroll, this has been a tough legislative session for you and the League. Do you mind if I ask how these defeats affect your faith?“ I was somewhat...
May 2019 Newsletter

May 2019 Newsletter

Dear Friend, Imagine taking a visit to the capital and while there, you see pastors greeting legislators in the halls with this question, “May I pray for you?” The pastors aren’t there to lobby; they are there to create opportunities of influence between the shepherd...
April 2019 Newsletter

April 2019 Newsletter

Dear Friend, The same month we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord, we will once again be opposing a bill which would keep parents from seeking biblical counseling for their children struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction and gender confusion. By the power of...
March 2019 Newsletter

March 2019 Newsletter

Dear Friend, The League has waited nearly two years to initiate our Better Work and Church Ambassador Network programs. The last week in February, Tristan Starbird and I had the privilege of going to southern Florida to observe and be trained by the Better Work team....
February 2019 Newsletter

February 2019 Newsletter

Dear Friend, Five years ago, Maine artist, John Holub, was commissioned to create a painting depicting the mission of the Christian Civic League’s vision statement: to see Maine be a state where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life...