March 25th, 2021 Weekly Newsletter

March 25th, 2021 Weekly Newsletter

Matching Gifts for CCL Beacon Campaign                  Every gift will be matched up to 20K!   Due to the generosity of some of our donors, every donation made to our Beacon Campaign will be matched up to $20,000.  The resources necessary to make sure God’s...
March 25th, 2021 Weekly Newsletter

March 18th, 2021 Weekly Newsletter

The Federal Equality Act What You Need to Know,  What You Can Do!   Many Maine pastors have been asking about H.R. 5, the so-called federal Equality Act.  The League believes the Equality Act’s potential implications for churches warrant this urgent call to...
March 25th, 2021 Weekly Newsletter

March 11th, 2021 Weekly Newsletter

Disregard for Women’s Safety and Privacy   Once again, God’s beautiful design regarding human sexuality is coming under attack. While we have appropriately been focused on the very harmful Equality Act which is scheduled for a US Senate committee hearing on St....
March 4th. 2021 Weekly Newsletter

March 4th. 2021 Weekly Newsletter

Should I Take a COVID-19 Vaccine? Among the many issues with which we now are struggling because of the pandemic is whether or not to take the vaccines.  This is a very personal decision that individuals and families have to make.  The Christian Civic League has not...
March 25th, 2021 Weekly Newsletter

February 25th, 2021 Weekly Newsletter

What Will You Do? All too many times, we hear about a disastrous piece of legislation being considered in Washington D.C. or Augusta, and we do little more than complain about it. Very soon, maybe today, the Equality Act will be taken up on the floor of the US...
March 25th, 2021 Weekly Newsletter

February 18th, 2021 Weekly Newsletter

FAQ’s Regarding Gov. Mills’ New Church Attendance Restrictions There have been many questions about the governor’s change in her executive orders concerning church attendance restrictions. As we attempt to answer those questions and explain the changes, the League is...