July 15th, 2021 Weekly Newsletter

July 15th, 2021 Weekly Newsletter

Concerned parents across the country, from coast to coast, are coming out in droves to confront their children’s school boards about Critical Race Theory (CRT). Racism is an issue that Christians need to address, but CRT is a divisive, non-biblical solution....
July 15th, 2021 Weekly Newsletter

July 8th, 2021 Weekly Newsletter

Good News Last week, we asked you to reach out to your legislators to ask them to support Gov. Mills’ veto of the LD 554, the Tribal Casino Bill. As we mentioned in our last email blast, this bill had the potential of allowing 18 additional casinos in our state...
July 15th, 2021 Weekly Newsletter

July 1, 2021 Weekly Newsletter

Stop Gambling Expansion Today You read your email subject correctly. If Maine’s legislators do not sustain Gov. Mills’ veto of LD 554, the people of Maine, nor its government, could do absolutely nothing to prevent 18-22 new gambling operations coming to our state. In...
July 15th, 2021 Weekly Newsletter

June 24th, 2021 Weekly Newsletter

Gov. LePage Confirms for Candidate Training Events Former governor, Paul LePage will be joining us for our candidate training sessions in Auburn at East Auburn Baptist Church  on July 24th and in Bangor at Crosspoint Church on July 31st. Gov. LePage knows how...
July 15th, 2021 Weekly Newsletter

June 17th, 2021 Weekly Newsletter

The Good NewsThis morning, the Supreme Court of the United States, in a unanimous decision, declared a victory for religious freedom when they ruled against the city of Philadelphia’s decision to stop funding to faith-based adoption and foster care agencies. The 9-0...
July 15th, 2021 Weekly Newsletter

June 10th Weekly Newsletter

Pro-Life Legislators Appreciation On Wednesday, June 9th, the Christian Civic League, Maine Right to Life, and Concerned Women for America Maine invited our pro-life legislators to stop by for coffee and donuts before heading in to do the people’s work at the capitol....