September 24th, 2020 Weekly Newsletter

September 24th, 2020 Weekly Newsletter

What Should Sen. Collins Do? I wish I had a dollar for every time someone asked me either what the Senate Republicans should do or specifically what Sen. Collins should do about filling the Supreme Court [SCOTUS] vacancy created by the death of Justice Ruth Ginsberg....
September 24th, 2020 Weekly Newsletter

September 17th, 2020 Weekly Newsletter

Be a Witness for Life and the Creator of Life Since 2007, 40 Days for Life has encouraged Christians to gather at abortion facilities to pray for the end of taking the lives of innocent babies in the wombs of their mothers. Since that time, over 17,000 lives have been...
September 24th, 2020 Weekly Newsletter

September 10th, 2020 Weekly Newsletter

You Be the Judge This week, I watched the Center for Medical Progress’s most recent investigative video regarding Planned Parenthood’s sordid practice of harvesting human tissue and organs from live babies or what the nation’s largest abortion provider calls POC’s...
September 24th, 2020 Weekly Newsletter

September 3rd, 2020 Weekly Newsletter

Christian Cancel Culture As I was preparing the news articles for this week’s email blast, I was actually quite excited about sharing a very well-written, balanced article entitled, In Politics: Do Christians Have to Choose between Compassion and Conviction? Not only...
September 24th, 2020 Weekly Newsletter

August 27th, 2020 Weekly Newsletter

CCL Annual Events Canceled Due to the uncertainties surrounding the pandemic, the League leadership has decided not to schedule our Annual Fall events for 2020. Instead, we will be organizing in-home events with Board members and other League partners who would like...
September 24th, 2020 Weekly Newsletter

August 20th, 2020 Weekly Newsletter

A Busy Day in Aroostook This past Tuesday, I had the privilege to introduce two great pro-life senate candidates to pastors and other networkers from Fort Kent to Houlton. I am so thankful we have such great candidates in the key races of Senate District 1, Brian...