Dear Friend,
Last week, I sent out an email with the subject line: What Are You Willing to Do? My question was directed to those who I assume care about the unborn, our First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and religion, parental rights, and the Biblical model of human sexuality. Even though we may feel like we are in a state of limbo, our state and federal legislative bodies are convened – – and our leaders need to hear from their constituents. Are we willing to invest time in calling and emailing our leaders?
The League is here to let you know which bills need to be supported and which bills need to be defeated. The League is here to let you know how to leverage your voice for truth and freedom. The League is here to tell you to stand up and be heard.
Our Beacon Campaign raises the funds necessary to let us “be here” for you. Will you help us reach our goal of $40,000 so we can keep you informed, support our legislative allies and champions, and identify and inspire other like-minded Mainers?
I just talked to our policy director, Mike McClellan. He and our executive administrator, Chris Mishou, have done a tremendous job putting together our legislative page on our website. Mike says this page is a great resource to help you be an effective advocate. If you go to cclmaine.org, click on Home, and then Upcoming Legislation, you will find everything you need to know about the bills we are following plus:
– how to submit written testimony
– how to testify online
– how to find your legislators
It is critical for you to connect with us through our emails and our Facebook page so you will know when to take action. Go to cclmaine.org and click Sign Up for Emails to get our weekly email blasts and action alerts.
Pray for me as I continue to work with the Alliance Defending Freedom and the Pastors’ Advisory Board in our ongoing discussions with the Mills administration regarding the pandemic restrictions. In addition to the negative impact these executive orders are having upon churches, we are now attempting to effectively represent camp ministries and Christian schools.
We are looking to fill the position of director of our Church Ambassador Network. I believe this program promoting prayer and pastoral presence in our capital is one of the most important things we can do at the League. If you want to know more about this exciting ministry opportunity, email me at carroll.conley@gmail.com.
As we look around our state and country, I know there are many negative things happening that give us great cause for concern, but let’s keep our eyes on Jesus and continue to pray that Maine will be a state where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, family thrive, and life is cherished.