Dear Friend,
Every two years, one of the most difficult appeal letters I pen is the October newsletter because it goes out just before our elections. It is a challenging task because I sense the weight of my responsibility to inspire Christians to invest in the stewardship of our God-given freedoms by participating in the political process.
For months, I’ve been promoting our efforts to be a positive influence on the elections – – our Pews to the Polls campaign which includes the following activities:
- research, production, promotion, and distribution of our non-partisan voter guides
- endorsing and assisting candidates we believe will defend the unborn, religious freedom, and parental rights
- identifying and inspiring unreliable pro-life voters to get to the polls through direct mail, phone calls, and texts
Right now, we simply are short on volunteers and finances.
Volunteer Needs
- we need individuals who can pick up voter guides at distribution sites and deliver them to churches
- we need folks to make phone calls, getting voter guide orders for churches and reminding people to vote
- we need individuals to be trained to text pro-life Mainers reminding them to vote
CLICK HERE to sign up. You can also email Terri Conley at cclmainedev@gmail.com
Financial Needs
We have received a significant number of donations under $100 for Pews to the Polls. We are thankful for every gift, but this campaign has not yet seen major gifts come in as they have in the past. Right now, we are approximately at 25% of our goal of $100,000. I do not know any other way to say this other than we need your help. Please do what you can and consider asking others to participate. Click here to donate.
I urge you to go to our Facebook page and our website (cclmaine.org) regularly to stay informed. At these two locations, you will find our voting resources page with voter guides, candidate interviews, and other helpful information. On our website, you will also see the CCL candidate endorsement lists. Like us on Facebook and share our post – – that makes a difference!
I’m sure we’re all concerned about this election. Do we care enough to be motivated to get out of our comfort zones and invest and volunteer? Please be in prayer for the League, our state, and our country. Pray that our communities will be places where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.
P.S. Let’s add to our daily prayers the family of Amy Coney Barrett. Thank God for a pro-life SCOTUS nominee. I’m sure she is counting on us to lift her up before the Lord.
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