Dear Friend,
Imagine taking a visit to the capital and while there, you see pastors greeting legislators in the halls with this question, “May I pray for you?”
The pastors aren’t there to lobby; they are there to create opportunities of influence between the shepherd of God’s flock and God’s ordained ministers of the government as described in Romans 13. Every day the legislature is in session, pastors are present developing relationships with their state leaders through prayer.
I don’t have to imagine that scenario. Tristan Starbird, the Christian Education League’s Outreach Director, and I just returned from a trip to Iowa and Minnesota where we observed those states’ Church Ambassador Networks [CAN].
I wish I could effectively convey the excitement we witnessed in these pastors who are convinced their state capitals are mission fields. The stories of non-partisan, sincere nurture being offered and the reactions from public servants create an incredible sense of anticipation as we prepare to launch Maine’s Church Ambassador Network. Please pray for Tristan as he learns about this anointed program and begins the organization and implementation of it here.
I have an exciting announcement regarding the other aspect of our Outreach program. On Thursday, June 13, we will launch our first Better Work job fair at Centerpoint Community Church in Waterville. Tristan, the Centerpoint team, along with other Waterville area churches will be introducing this ministry that provides the opportunity for employment-challenged individuals (recovering addicts, felons, etc.) to experience the dignity of work through the local church. There is a tremendous amount of planning and preparation for this inaugural Better Work job fair, so please be praying for Tristan and his team.
I truly believe our Outreach efforts have the potential to significantly impact our state. I know that sounds bold, but if you could see what we’ve experienced where these programs are up and running, you too would share our optimism and hope. Better Work and the Church Ambassador Network are programs Maine desperately needs. Will you support them with your finances and prayers? The League took a tremendous step of faith to launch these programs because we believe God will provide the resources to unleash the power of the gospel in Maine through them.
Frankly, we need increased funding now to make that happen. All donations to our Outreach programs are to the Christian Education League and therefore 100% tax-deductible.
Our critical work in the legislature continues as Mike McClellan and our policy team defend life, religious freedom, and parental rights. As I write this letter, we are battling to stop the following bills:
LD 820 – tax funded abortions
LD 1261 – medical professionals other than doctors to perform abortions
LD 1313 – physician prescribed suicide
LD 1025 – stripping parents of the right to choose biblical counseling for children struggling with gender confusion
LD 798 – mandated vaccinations by removing philosophical and religious exemptions
We also continue to fight gambling expansion. These battles require financial resources. We strive to be good stewards as we face our opponents with seemingly endless resources like Planned Parenthood, the casino industry, and the culture of death. Over $200,000 is coming in from out of state to promote physician prescribed death.
Go to cclmaine.org/upcoming-bills-legislation to see the status of these and other bills. Our website also will inform you regarding calls to action you can take through emails and phone calls to leverage your voice for God’s truth.
We are just about halfway to our goal of $40,000 for our Beacon Campaign that provides the funds for our legislative activities. Every dollar given to the Beacon Campaign is being matched. Please include an extra gift (non-deductible) to ensure we have the stones in our sling to slay Goliath and his brothers.
I thank God for our prayer partners and financial supporters. I look forward to continuing this partnership as we ask the Lord to answer our prayers to see Maine become a state where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.