January Newsletter Banner

Dear Friend,

As May closes and we enter June, I want to thank all the men and women who gave their lives for the exceptional freedoms we enjoy here in America. I always appreciate the opportunity to contemplate the sacrifices made to preserve the blessings we have experienced in the USA. Where would we be if those soldiers had not answered the call to stand up to tyranny, slavery, the holocaust, communism, and other evils that threatened peace and prosperity?
As we honored their sacrifices on Memorial Day, I had to ask, “What sacrifices are we willing to make to resist abortion, transgender ideologies, and threats to parental rights and religious freedom?” I have been saying for months now that the League’s commitment to the Community Impact Team program [CIT] is the most effective solution to addressing these threats in our state.

Starting this month, we are training individuals to lead CIT’s in their church. The first Zoom training will take place on June 4th. If you are interested in this or subsequent trainings, contact Mike McClellan at policy@cclmaine.org. Check out our video at cclmaine.org/advocacy/CIT to learn more about the CIT program.

Three other events took place in May worthy of celebrating:

*We made our goal of $40,000 for the Beacon Campaign. Thanks to all of you who prayed and donated, making sure the League team had the necessary resources to advocate for God’s truth.

*The League was instrumental in promoting the Kingdom to Capitol prayer and praise event in Augusta on May 26th. Thousands of Maine Christians showed up with Sean Feucht to praise the Lord and offer prayers for our state and country.

Just one day before that, our Deputy Director of the Church Ambassador Network, Pastor Jim Przytulski, was one of the hosts for A Night in the Park. He interviewed Assistant Leaders Sen. Lisa Keim and Rep. Amy Arata at this annual event sponsored by Augusta’s Central Church.

Don’t forget the Why Now? The Church conference we are co-sponsoring with New England Bible College. The July 29th event in the Bangor area and the July 30th event in Portland will address the Church’s Biblical role of engaging the culture. I am looking forward to hearing Dr. Frank Turek, Dr. Erwin Lutzer, and Abdu Murray tackle this critical issue. The cost of this catered event is just $30. For information and registration, go to www.whynowthechurch.me.

June 11th is Election Day, and your vote can positively impact local races as well as party primary races. Mike McClellan, our Policy Director, interviewed several candidates. Go to cclmaine.org/advocacy and select Primary Videos to see if candidates in your community participated.

The legislative session has ended, but as you can see, our work has not. Without your faithful support, we could not execute our mission of bringing a Christian perspective to public policy. From the entire League team, thank you for partnering with us!