Dear Friends,
When Jesus emerged from the tomb that first Easter morning, it wasn’t as a spokesman for life, but as the Lord of Life. Because He is the Lord of Life, He alone has the authority to give and take away. Humans should never usurp that authority, especially when it comes to the extinguishing of the lives of innocent children in the womb.
Three days earlier, Jesus stood before Pilate. In the midst of that mockery of a trial, Pilate asked Jesus if He were a king, to which our Lord replied, For this reason I have come into the world, for this cause I was born – that I might bear witness of the truth. If Jesus’ mission was to bear witness to the truth, then I believe we also have been commissioned as advocates of the truth: the truth of salvation, the truth of marriage, the truth of human sexuality, the truth that children belong to parents—not the state, and the truth that every human being ever conceived, regardless of his or her age, sex, ethnicity, socio-economic status, number of chromosomes, bears the image of the Creator and is worthy of respect and defense.
We are presently witnessing an assault upon the sanctity of human life never before experienced in our state. While we celebrated the dismantling of Roe v Wade, pro-abortion advocates were raging and now are waging war on the unborn. The bills pertaining to the life issue in this legislative session are too many to enumerate in this letter; however, I urge you to go to our legislation and bills page to see bills we are opposing and supporting. The most grievous of all potential legislation: the threat by pro-death forces to remove the viability standard. In other words, Planned Parenthood and their allies want to legalize aborting a child up to the moment of birth.
The Christian Civic League policy team needs to be fully resourced to fight this battle. We’ve set a goal of $50,000 for our Beacon Campaign to fund these critical strategies:
- Email Alerts
- Polling
- Texting Campaigns
- Social Media
- Letters to the Editor
- Legislative Research
- Recruiting Testimony
- Phone Banks
- Speak Up For Life
We’ve never raised more than $40,000 for legislative costs, but we’ve never faced such an onslaught of horrible bills. I’ve only mentioned the bills relating to the life issue. Progressives also continue their attacks upon religious freedom and parental rights.
The good news is a dedicated ministry partner has committed to matching your investment to the Beacon Campaign. We have raised $7,000 so far; we need $18,000 to receive this generous $25,000 matching grant. Humanly speaking, the odds are against us in the Maine Legislature. Pro-lifers in Maine need to pray, give, and show up like never before. God has called us to be faithful and occupy; the results are in His hands.
I thank God for our partnership with Rep. Laurel Libby and the Speak Up for Life team. It was a beautiful thing to see over 1,000 Mainers attend these training sessions to prepare them to defend life in our state. What I’ve witnessed in the last few weeks in these sessions has given me great hope. As I close, I pray that you and your family enjoy a blessed Easter season. I pray that God will raise us up to be effective advocates for life and all His truth, motivated by love for our Lord and our neighbors, and most importantly, that men would be drawn to the source of all truth.