Dear Friend,
As I write this letter, I am thinking about how critical the next forty days are here in Maine and around our country. Last fall, we saw parents rise up in Virginia, New Jersey, and even San Francisco to demand change in their schools and their communities. In just the last couple of weeks, Sweden and Italy have elected administrations committed to a return to traditional values, like parental rights and religious freedom. They are saying no to extreme transgender ideology and the culture of death promoted by the abortion industry.
I pray Mainers, and likeminded Americans will move beyond fretting and complaining and do what it takes to support candidates that will be allies of our values. I pray people like you will make sure the League has the resources necessary to execute our Pews to the Polls Campaign that will:
- distribute our printed voter guides in churches all over our beautiful state
- promote our website (mainevoterguides.com) with voter guides for all 186 House and Senate races
- identify and inspire pro-life voters to get out to the polls
- endorse, promote, and support candidates who will champion our values
We set a goal of $150,000 to fund Pews to the Polls. In years past, we have had some amazing matching grants helping us reach our goals. I am ecstatic to announce that two generous families are pledging a double match. One family is committed to matching the first $50,000 we raise, which will bring us to $100,000. That will then kick in the next $50,000 grant, which will get us to $150,000. In other words, your donation will be tripled: you give $50; the League gets $150! You can give to the CEL (tax deductible) or the CCL (not tax deductible). Click here to donate to Pews to the Polls.
Please respond quickly so our campaign team of Matt Hudson, Mike McClellan, and Zach Freeman can execute their strategies in a timely manner. I believe we will exceed our goal of $150,000, allowing us to have even a bigger impact on the November 8 elections.
The question I am most asked is, “What can I do to make a difference?” I would answer that question with the following:
- help distribute our voter guides (contact Terri Conley at 852-0451 or cclmainedev@gmail.com)
- help us with housing for volunteers in key senate districts (contact Mike McClellan policy@cclmaine.org or call 329-6148)
- become a Rapid Responder, helping with phone calls, texting, literature drops, etc. (contact Mike McClellan, see above)
- donate to Pews to the Polls
I am pleased to announce that I met with representatives from our Pastors’ Advisory Board at the end of September. We had a very productive meeting to discuss how heads of denominations and pastor leaders can guide and promote our Church Ambassador Network [CAN], and how we can develop a recognizable voice in the public square that represents Maine’s Evangelical community. Please pray for us as we strive for these goals.
With an amazing double match for Pews the Polls and the development of CAN, I am encouraged for the prospects here in Maine as we continue to pray that our state will be a place where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.
Download or order your guides here!