Dear Friend
We waited nearly fifty years to see Roe v. Wade overturned by the Supreme Court, and on June 24, pro-lifers rightly celebrated this historic decision. Now, however, if you listen to the mainstream media and our political opponents, you might think our highest court’s ruling to throw abortion law back to the states was something “evil.” We know, of course, this is all a strategy to intimidate our political allies and discourage the pro-life voter base. Unfortunately, from what I can see, it is working.
Now is not the time to shy away from the great opportunity for change in a state like Maine that has been dominated for decades by the abortion industry. We are still on the side of life: the side defending the defenseless and supporting women who find themselves in challenging circumstances believing they have no choice other than terminating their pregnancy.
What are Mainers who believe in the sanctity of life, religious freedom, parental rights, and Biblical values willing to do to be stewards of the opportunity for positive change in our state?
I can’t answer for you, but I can tell you what we are committed to at the League. We can’t do everything required for positive change in these elections, but we are uniquely positioned to identify and motivate pro-life Mainers. That’s what our Pews to the Polls campaign is all about.
- research, print, promote, and distribute voter guides for all state and federal elections
- endorse and support candidates who will support our values
- identify potential pro-life voters and inspire them to vote
- train and mobilize volunteers for phone banks, texting, and voter guide distribution
- conduct traditional media and social media campaigns
We’ve gone out on a limb financially by expanding our campaign team and adding two very qualified and experienced political and media consultants: Matt Hudson and Zach Freeman. I’m asking you to make sure our team has all the resources necessary to execute our Pews to the Polls campaign.
Without apology, I’m asking you to support our efforts to elect candidates who will defend life, religious freedom, and parental rights. Without apology, I’m asking you to contact Mike McClellan and volunteer. We have sixty days to put in the work to flip the House, the Senate, and Blaine House. Please email Mike at policy@cclmaine.org and ask what you can do.
Our printed voter guides covering the Governor’s race and two Congressional races will be ready the third week of September. These non-partisan guides are 501(c)(3) approved and legal to promote and distribute in churches. If your church wants voter guides to make available for your congregation, go to mainevoterguides.com, click Order Voter Guides, and fill out and submit the order form. Keep in mind that mainevoterguides.com is a new website. It will house all our electronic voter guides. It’s still under construction so please be patient as we continue working on this website.
Are you tired of our schools foisting CRT and the LGBTQ agenda on our students? Do you want to live in a state that respects life rather than promoting death? Don’t you want people representing you that believe children belong to parents and not the state? Elections have consequences: donate to Pews to the Polls and volunteer to make a difference.