Janet Mills (D)
Running for Governor
1. Should access to abortion be restricted?
Janet is fighting to protect women’s access to abortion because she believes in a Maine that respects the rights of women.
2. Should taxpayer dollars go to fund abortions?
“As Governor, she signed legislation requiring insurance to cover abortions and expanded access to reproductive health care through MaineCare, and she will never stop fighting to make sure women’s reproductive health decisions are between women and their doctors.”
3. Should women’s shelters be required to house biological males who identify as women?
“With Gov. Mills’ support, Maine has banned the “gay panic” legal defense, restored benefits to military veterans discharged under ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ defeated legislative efforts to ban transgender girls from school sports and transgender women from receiving services at women’s homeless shelters, and more.”
4. Should religious schools be allowed to receive public funding?
5. Should the minimum wage be increased?
“Public Law, Ch. 154 (introduced as LD798): An Act to Protect Maine Children and Students from Preventable Disease by Repealing Certain Exemptions from the Laws Governing Immunization Requirements was signed by Governor Janet Mills on May 24, 2019.”
7. Should Maine prioritize achieving 80% renewable energy by 2030?
“Governor Mills signed into law one of the most ambitious renewable energy requirements in the country, increasing Maine’s Renewable Portfolio Standard from 40 percent to 80 percent by 2030 and setting a goal of 100 renewable energy by 2050. Maine is on track to reach the 2030 goal of using 80 percent renewable energy.”
8. Should municipalities have the authority to prohibit the sale and distribution of recreational marijuana?
Left a bill unsigned, without a veto, to allow marijuana delivery http://www.mainelegislature.
9. Should Maine loosen restrictions on gambling?
“Janet Mills signs law giving tribes mobile sports betting” https://www.newscentermaine.
10. Should parents be allowed to choose whether their child receives professional counseling in accordance with their religious values on matters of gender and sexuality?
Signed into law a conversion therapy ban.
Paul LePage (R)
Running for Governor
*Paul Lepage completed the League’s survey.
Click here for the survey.
1. Should access to abortion be restricted?
2. Should taxpayer dollars go to fund abortions?
4. Should religious schools be allowed to receive public funding?
5. Should the minimum wage be increased?
6. Should vaccine requirements have philosophical/religious exemptions?
7. Should Maine prioritize achieving 80% renewable energy by 2030?
8. Should municipalities have the authority to prohibit the sale and distribution of recreational marijuana?
9. Should Maine loosen restrictions on gambling?
10. Should parents be allowed to choose whether their child receives professional counseling in accordance with their religious values on matters of gender and sexuality?
Answers were determined from research of publicly available sources conducted by the Christian Education League for candidates who did not respond to its survey. Positions marked with a ? or an Unknown response determine that after such research it is unclear or unknown where the candidate stands on the question.