Dear Friend,
In John 18, Jesus told Pilate, “My kingdom is not of this world.” Some church leaders erroneously use this verse, promoting that Christians shouldn’t be involved in politics. Jesus wasn’t saying His kingdom has nothing to do with this world. If that were true, why did God ordain government to punish evil and reward good? The best chance government has to operate as God intended is if Christians influence their leaders by advocating for Biblical justice and righteousness.
I just returned from our Family Policy Alliance annual conference in Arizona. Many of the speakers began their presentations with statements like, Can you believe that we are living in a post Roe v Wade America? What an honor to spend a week with fellow pro-life warriors! Yet, while we were appropriately celebrating the Supreme Court’s historic decision, we all agreed, this is just the beginning of our work to promote the sanctity of life and make abortion unthinkable.
Without question, we have a lot of work to do in Maine regarding advocating for God’s truth and making the case for our state’s laws to reflect God’s righteousness and justice. Each week we get numerous calls from parents, teachers, and school committee members asking what can be done to prevent the tsunami of LGBTQ indoctrination of this generation of children. We receive nearly as many complaints about Critical Race Theory either covertly or overtly being propagated and dividing our communities. Parental rights are being totally ignored and eroded in Maine’s public schools. All those concerns in our schools and in our culture can become overwhelming and discouraging. While we must plan and invest in long-term strategies, there is an immediate opportunity before us for change—the November 8 elections.
I know I sound like a broken record, but I’ll say it again: elections have consequences. I’m pleading with pro-life Mainers who believe children belong to parents and not the state, to commit to supporting candidates who will champion these values.
The Christian Civic League’s Pews to the Polls campaign is our effort to be a positive influence in this fall’s elections. Please help us reach our goal of $150,000 so we can:
- Recruit and train effective volunteers to assist our endorsed candidates
- Create, promote, and distribute our informative voter guides
- Identify and inspire pro-life conservatives to vote
- Promote our slate of endorsed candidates
If you haven’t already done so, click here to donate and make sure the League has the financial resources to execute this critical mission. In addition to that, join Mike McClellan and Matt Hutson to be a Rapid Responder so you can jump in the fight to make phone calls, knock on doors, stuff envelopes, and other tasks to assist our candidates. Contact Mike at policy@cclmaine.org to get involved. Humanly speaking, it will be nearly impossible to address the issues in our public schools without a friendly administration and legislature. Do we love our neighbors enough to get out of our comfort zone and invest in the state and local campaigns?
P.S. I know you care about our state and our country. The tough question is, do you care enough to invest your time and treasure to take advantage of the opportunity before us these next three months?