Dear Friend,
I closed out my January letter with an appeal to give to our Year-End Campaign and help us reach our much-needed goal of $100,000. I am extremely excited to let you know that our supporters came through again, and we exceeded our goal by $10,000 – thank you!
With February, comes the buzz of more intense legislative activity. There already have been public hearings for key bills our policy team is following. We are still not sure if work in Augusta is going to be done in person, remotely, or some form of hybrid due to continued Covid concerns. No matter how business is conducted, the League’s policy team of Mike McClellan and Thomas Keith, will be:
- in Augusta advocating for religious freedom, the dignity of human life, parental rights, and biblical morality
- informing you when and how to reach out to your leaders to be an advocate for those values
- providing research, support, and other resources to our legislative allies
Our Policy Director, Mike McClellan, sends out a weekly email to Mainers interested in an in-depth analysis of what is going on here in Maine on the legislative and campaign fronts. This communication is sent out with the understanding that those on the list make every effort to reach out to their leaders when Mike sends out an Action Alert. We call those on the list Rapid Responders. To sign up as a Rapid Responder, click here.
Once again, our work is cut out for us as we are dealing with bills that attempt to:
amend our constitution to memorialize abortion rights and redefine biological sex to gender expression [LD344]
- address big tobacco targeting children with market strategies like flavored tobacco [LD1550]
- establish a moratorium on vaccine mandates [867]
- designate all tribal properties as sovereign allowing casinos without state approval or regulation
Our efforts to support legislative allies, inform and inspire grassroots lobbying, and publicly advocate in the media requires financial resources. Each year, we ask you, our supporters, to give to our Beacon Campaign to defray these costs. Raising these funds is very difficult because these donations are not tax-deductible. The goal for this year‘s Beacon Campaign is $40,000. Please consider making a special gift and marking it on your coupon. You can also give by going to our website, cclmaine.org, and clicking on the Beacon Campaign banner, or just click here.
Please continue to pray as we restart our Church Ambassador Network. I am very pleased with the response of Maine pastors who understand the importance of combating the ungodly spiritual influences in Augusta by showing up and praying in our capital. I’m also very encouraged by the number of church leaders who want to invest in meaningful relationships with our state and local leaders to help them govern in a way that effectively ministers to Maine’s citizens. Pray for wisdom as we navigate through the COVID restrictions that could potentially hinder face-to-face ministry. AS ALWAYS, continue to pray that our beautiful state will be a place where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.