Dear Friend,
As we enter this Advent season, our very secular world is confronted with the Bible’s narrative of the God of this universe taking on human flesh for the purpose of the redemption of mankind. I pray that as Christians celebrate the birth of our Savior, we would all be sensitive to the opportunities to be effective witnesses.
Jesus revealed His mission in John 18:37 when He told Pilate … for this cause I came into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. For over 120 years, the Christian Civic League has been executing its mission of bringing a Biblical perspective to public policy; in other words, to bear witness to the truth.
I thank the Lord for ministry partners like you, who made sure the Christian Civic League had the resources necessary to advocate for His truth in 2021. Your prayers and financial support allowed the League team to:
- assist Maine’s churches, camps, Christian schools, and other ministries to navigate the challenges of the pandemic
- provide resources and support to individuals, businesses, and ministries dealing with vaccine mandates
- effectively lobby state and federal legislators regarding the sanctity of human life, religious freedom, parental rights, and the dangers of redefining gender
- inspire Maine citizens to run for local office and prepare them with candidate training events
As this year closes, I ask you to prayerfully consider a year-end gift to help us responsibly plan for 2022. Keep in mind that gifts to our 501(c)3, the Christian Education League, are tax-deductible. Donations to the Christian Civic League are not tax-deductible. Our goal for our year-end campaign is $100,000 which will help us in the coming year to:
- continue our direct and grassroots lobbying in Augusta and Washington, DC
- reboot our Church Ambassador Network and pastor visits to the capital
- schedule more candidate training events throughout the state
- be a reliable source of information for voters during the 2022 elections
Our team will be traveling to our nation’s capital the first week of December to be part of activities surrounding the Supreme Court case that may overturn Roe V Wade. Pro-life Americans have been waiting for a case like this for decades. I urge Christians everywhere to pray that once again, our country will protect the unborn and defend the innocent.
Thank you for co-laboring with us as we strive for a state and a nation where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.
Merry Christmas!