We have an update on the lawsuit against Governor Mills’ vaccine mandate. Unfortunately, a federal judge ruled Wednesday that the mandate can proceed. But Liberty Counsel, the group representing the plaintiffs, already filed an emergency injunction pending appeal to the First Circuit Court of Appeals.
Judge Jon Levy denied the preliminary injunction against the mandate that has only a medical exemption but no religious exemption, which the plaintiffs argued is a violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Judge Levy said that the plaintiffs did not demonstrate that they would win the case in the long-run, nor did it rise to the level of enough public interest to grant a preliminary injunction, he said.
The lawsuit was filed on behalf of over 2,000 healthcare workers against Maine Governor Janet Mills, officials of the Department of Health and Human Services, Maine Center for Disease Control, as well as five of the largest hospitals within the state, regarding the COVID-19 vaccine mandate issued by Governor Mills for healthcare workers.
Judge Levy’s decision was frustrating for many who argue that halting the mandate from going forward undoubtedly serves the public interest, particularly for those who face termination if they do not want to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Plus, to many legal experts, this vaccine mandate clearly violates federal law via Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Upon filing the reply in support of a preliminary junction in September, Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said, “Governor Mills is clearly discriminating against health care workers with sincerely held religious beliefs. She cannot override federal law and dictate that they must inject an experimental substance into their bodies. The Constitution does not disappear across state lines. All Maine health care workers have the legal right to request reasonable accommodation for their sincerely held religious beliefs and forcing COVID shots without exemptions is unlawful.”
Whether it be these mandates, the progressive ideology our children are subject to in the classroom, or the fight to protect the unborn, it is clear that these battles are going to require our ongoing determination, fortitude, and prayer.
As stated, Liberty Counsel already filed an emergency appeal. This battle isn’t over.
We must continue to pray for the spiritual warriors that are carrying the torches in these battles. Prayer is a powerful weapon – please keep the Liberty Counsel and all Maine healthcare workers facing these mandates in your prayers over the next few weeks.
And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. (Colossians 3:17)
Mike McClellan
Policy Director
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