Dear Friend,
From a human perspective, this month’s letter is a difficult one to pen. As we anticipate celebrating the USA‘s birthday, many of the freedoms exceptionally experienced in our country are being trampled on in Augusta and Washington, DC. The blessings of prosperity we’ve known for over 200 years are directly tied to the Christian foundation on which America was founded.
I believe one of the most important goals the League aspires to is equipping citizens to effectively and courageously defend and advocate for the relevance and benefits of those foundational Christian/Biblical truths. I was recently invited to speak on this topic last month for the Gray Republicans. Click here to see my presentation.
Last month, I asked you to pray for our Pastors’ Summit. I am incredibly pleased to report our meeting of denominational and pastoral leaders went very well. I think our spiritual leaders really got a vision of the positive impact a vibrant Church Ambassador Network [CAN] will have here in Maine. We also decided to move forward to establish a council of churches represented by churches and pastors faithful to the Gospel in our state. Thank you for your prayers as we move forward with this critical endeavor.
I believe our Church Ambassador Network [CAN] could very well be the most important investment we make as a ministry. That is why the board and I have made the decision to include me leading CAN to my responsibilities as Executive Director of the League. I’m enthusiastic about the prospect of working so closely with Maine’s pastors and denominational leaders encouraging them to purposely develop relationships with our government leaders.
I’m pleased to announce we have expanded the League team. Thomas Keith, a recent graduate from Patrick Henry College, will be starting with us in September as a policy analyst. Thomas’ keen intellect, work ethic, and commitment to the Kingdom of Christ will create an effective policy/campaign team ably lead by our Policy Director, Mike McClellan.
The timing of bringing Thomas Keith on board couldn’t be more appropriate. As I’ve said many times, we have great political allies in Augusta – – there just aren’t enough of them. These brave public servants need all the support we can muster, and we need to recruit and train more of them. Please contact Mike McClellan at policy@cclmaine.org to register for one of our candidate training sessions scheduled for July 24th at East Auburn Baptist Church in Auburn and July 31st at Crosspoint Church in Bangor. The fact is, we need Christians elected to our town councils, school boards, and other leadership positions to stem the tide against Critical Race Theory, the attempted destruction of God’s design for human sexuality, the culture of death, and assaults upon parental rights. We can do this with your financial support and prayers.
We are just under $4,000 short of reaching our goal of $40,000 for our Beacon Campaign. Remember, every dollar you donate to help us with our lobbying activities is matched. Please include a gift or click here and help us finish this campaign.

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