Stop President Biden’s School Agenda

In recent years, the far Left has been pushing radical policies in local school districts. This agenda forces girls to share locker rooms with boys, allows boys to steal sports opportunities from girls, and forces children to learn about gender ideology at a young age.

Now, the U.S. Department of Education is working to do the same thing- nationwide.

But you can help STOP THIS.

Similar to a local virtual school board hearing, on June 7-11 the President Biden’s Department of Education will be hosting a public hearing about incorporating “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” in national education policies. These policies will force girls to share locker rooms and showers with boys, impact girls’ sports opportunities, and punish those who disagree.

You can weigh in at this “national school board meeting” and tell the Department of Education you STRONGLY OPPOSE ANY CHANGES in their education policies that redefine “sex” to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.” President Biden’s Education Department has no place attempting to implement this radical agenda into every local school district in the country.

Click here to submit your comment NOW! 

We’ve provided some comments for you to use, but the more personalized you can make your comments, the better!


Will You Take the Time to Be Heard?

Public hearings are over, and in the next two weeks, things are going to move very rapidly in the State House. Because Democrats are totally in charge of the schedule, we will have very short notice when it is time for you to reach out to your legislators and let them know about bills you either oppose or support. I know everybody’s email boxes are full, but we are asking you to please be watching for our Action Alerts. Now is the time for us to leverage our voices and let our state representatives and state senators know where we stand on bills pertaining to the sanctity of human life, religious freedom, parental rights, and other issues that matter.

We are still looking for Rapid Responders, individuals committed to texting or calling their legislators when we sound the alarm. Click here to let our policy team know that you can be counted on as a Rapid Responder

We are willing to serve your ministry by speaking in person or recording services for you. If you are interested in the League helping out with your pulpit needs, contact Carroll at

Speaking Engagements 

June 14, 2021
Carroll Conley –Keynote speaker
Defending America: The Present Threat to Freedom
6:30-8:30 p.m. Main Program: 90 people max
Windham Vets Center, Windham, Maine