Abortion Bills Public Hearing Summary

Thanks to all the pro-life legislators, citizens, and organizations who stood up and defended the unborn in this past Tuesday’s public hearings before the Judiciary Committee. As encouraging as it was to see and hear testimonies on behalf of legislation that would protect innocent babies in the womb, it is still difficult to see the abortion industry and the proponents of the culture of death brazenly extol the virtues of abortion. Special thanks to Sen. Trey Stewart, Sen. Scott Cyrway, Rep. Abigail Griffin, Rep. Kathy Javner, and Rep. Billy Bob Faulkingham for sponsoring bills that promote the sanctity of all human life.

Elections Have Consequences

One thing that has been very apparent during the public hearings for bills dealing with the sanctity of human life, parental rights, and the promotion of the LGBTQ agenda: the political cards were stacked against us as the Democrats leading the Judiciary Committee and Education and Cultural Affairs Committee regularly showed bias against individuals who testified in opposition to the ideals and values of the Democrat party here in Maine. Click here to see the example of the House Chair of the Judiciary Committee interrupting a citizen testimony to complain about a reference to the “abortion industry.” Those legislators sitting on these committees are there to hear citizen testimony, not censor them.

Now What?

Except for a couple bills we are still watching, our bills have now left committee and are heading to the House and Senate chambers for votes. We will be preparing Action Alerts for you to reach out to your leaders so you can leverage your voice via emails, phone calls, texts, and letters to stand up for life, parental rights, religious freedom, and righteousness. Please watch your email boxes for our alerts!!

Had Enough Yet?

You know we can’t just complain about bad legislation or the inability to pass good bills. I am praying that men and women of God all over our state are giving serious consideration to running for local or state office. The Christian Civic League is organizing and hosting two candidate training schools this summer. The first will be at East Auburn Baptist Church on Saturday, July 24th.  The second training will be at Crosspoint Church in Bangor on Saturday, July 31st.

These all-day events will prepare you for school board, town council, state representative, and state senate races. Contact me at carroll.conley@gmail for details.

Even though we are facing restrictions due to the pandemic, we are still willing to serve your ministry by speaking in person or recording services for you. If you are interested in the League helping out with your pulpit needs, contact Carroll at carroll.conley@gmail.com

Speaking Engagements 

May 22nd, at 10 am
Carroll Conley
If My People New England
Beginnings Church of God
392 Main St. Waterville

June 14, 2021
Carroll Conley –Keynote speaker
Defending America: The Present Threat to Freedom
6:30-8:30 p.m. Main Program: 90 people max
PRE-REGISTER FOR DISCOUNTED TICKETS: grayrepublicans.org/register
FAR AWAY? VIEW LIVE, ONLINE FOR FREE AT grayrepublicans.org/livestream
Windham Vets Center, Windham, Maine