Should I Take a COVID-19 Vaccine?

Among the many issues with which we now are struggling because of the pandemic is whether or not to take the vaccines.  This is a very personal decision that individuals and families have to make.  The Christian Civic League has not taken a position, but we recognize there are many factors to consider, including individuals who have grave concerns in regard to the potential of fetal matter from abortions being used in the testing and production of these vaccines.  Click here to see a general summary of the moral considerations from the Catholic Church, one of our great allies in this struggle to defend the sanctity of human life.

Most recently, the release of the Johnson &Johnson vaccine has exposed some distinctions the raises even a higher concern around pro-life considerations. Click Here to read the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ statement regarding the Johnson &Johnson vaccinations.


Equality Act Update

Thanks to all of you who took the time to reach out to Maine’s congressman regarding the Equality Act.  As expected, this horrible bill passed in the U.S. House of Representatives along party lines.  In order for this bill to become law, it must also pass in the Senate.  We anticipate the Equality Act to be in the Senate within the next 2 to 3 weeks.  Presently, it appears the Equality Act does not have the votes necessary to pass in the Senate; however, we still need to let Sen. Collins and Sen. King know that we are against this very dangerous legislation. Please be watching your emails for our upcoming Action Alerts.

Your Testimony Needed

Sen. Lisa Keim has introduced two bills that we enthusiastically support. One bill is an attempt to allow women’s shelters to be segregated by biological sex. Unfortunately, we need a law to protect battered women from being forced to sleep in a facility with men. The second bill would protect faith-based ministries (churches, camps, schools, shelters, etc.) from losing funding simply for running their programs based upon their religious convictions concerning issues like sexual orientation and gender.

We need individuals and ministries that are willing to submit written testimony or give testimony by Zoom. Anyone can testify, but it would be especially helpful if ministries that receive any state funding (Title I services, nutrition programs, case management, etc.) could testify. We need to defend our right to operate our ministries based upon God’s model of human sexuality. If you are interested in testifying or have any questions, email our policy director, Mike McClellan, at

Even though we are facing restrictions due to the pandemic, we are still willing to serve your ministry by speaking in person or recording services for you. If you are interested in the League helping out with your pulpit needs, contact Carroll at

 Speaking Engagements:

April 18 – Lincoln Center Baptist Church, 517 Military Road, Lincoln -10 AM


April 25 – Greenfield Baptist Church, Crocker Turn Rd, Greenbush – 10 AM