Dear Friend,
A child is born! That’s the good news proclaimed by heavenly hosts to lowly shepherds 2000 years ago. As we await the fulfillment of the rest of that prophecy, we must also trust one of God’s most difficult promises to claim: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love Him and are the called according to His purpose. Rom 8:28.
Does all things cover a Biden/Harris administration supportive of the culture of death and the LGBTQ+ agenda? Does all things apply to a state government that disregards parental rights and religious freedom? Of course it does. If we believe God is sovereign, no matter how uncertain (or terrible) things appear on the political front, what is our purpose in advocating for His truth in a public square where He is no more welcome than His appearance in Bethlehem’s manger?
The answer to that is the same thing that compelled Christ to leave heaven —LOVE. Our advocacy regarding God’s truth about the sanctity of human life, parental rights and responsibilities, human sexuality, or anything else revealed in His word, must be motivated by our love for our neighbors. As we support or oppose legislation, it cannot be from a place of fear, frustration, or judgment. Our investment in aligning our laws to God’s truth must simultaneously be to glorify God and to benefit society.
I don’t think any of us have ever experienced anything like 2020, and there are many challenges and opportunities that lay ahead of us in 2021. Due to the pandemic, we need to raise $100,000 for our end-of-the-year campaign. That’s twice as much as we have typically received in December. In order for us to responsibly prepare for the coming year and effectively execute the League’s mission, we are counting on you to:
Pray the Lord meet our financial needs
Make a generous, one-time, year-end gift
Consider making (or increasing) a monthly commitment
Ask your church leaders to include the League in their mission’s giving
Promote the work of the League to friends and family
On behalf of the League’s board of directors and staff I want wish you all a blessed and merry Christmas season. Thanks to all of you who partner with us to see Maine become a state where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.
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