Prayer Requests
I ask for your prayers as I continue in the role of liaison between the Mills administration and our evangelical churches. With the rise of cases in our state, there is the potential for more conflict between our governing officials and church leaders. Unfortunately, I am also witnessing dissension within our ranks. This is manifesting itself with judgment being made between churches and also within our churches as fellow members may not be in agreement on how to deal with the COVID-19 restrictions. Now is not the time for us to react in fear or frustration. We must offer the grace of Christ to individual believers and each church body to operate through this unique circumstance.
Financial Need
As we wrap up this campaign/election cycle, we now prepare for 2021. The inability to host our Annual Fall Banquets due to the Covid-19 restrictions forces us to focus our efforts on our end-of-year campaign. For the League to be financially healthy going into the new year, we need to raise $100,000 before January 1st. I am presently talking to major donors to develop a $50,000 matching gift. Please pray that we will be able to create momentum with our financial partners by succeeding in this effort.
In lieu of regional banquets, some of our board members and other ministry partners are hosting in-home gatherings to introduce new folks to the work of the League. If you are interested in hosting one of these events, contact me at 659-6447 or carroll.conley@gmail.com
content may not entirely reflect the views of the Christian Civic League
Even though we are facing restrictions due to the pandemic, we are still willing to serve your ministry by speaking in person or recording services for you. If you are interested in the League helping out with your pulpit needs, contact Carroll at carroll.conley@gmail.com