Who Won the Election?
While the country awaits the results of legal challenges and recounts of the historically close Presidential race, let’s take a look at what happened in Maine on Tuesday night.
I cannot look back on Election Night without thanking all of you who partnered with us in our
Pews to the Polls campaign by donating, praying, and volunteering. This campaign began with the distribution of and promotion of our voter guides, educating Maine’s citizens on where the candidates stood on life, religious freedom, and parental rights. This was accomplished with many effective volunteers who helped get the voter guides to churches and other locations throughout the state. We also promoted the voter guides and endorsement lists on Facebook, local newspapers (in rural areas), and internet ads.
As Nov. 3rd approached, we were involved in thorough and intense research and data analysis identifying prolife Mainers who had not yet voted. Then through internet ads, social media promotion, phone calls, and texting, we contacted these “targets” encouraging them to get out and vote.
Presently, we have nearly $80,000 committed of the $100,000 needed to cover the costs of this campaign. Please consider a donation to the Pews to the Polls campaign by clicking here.
CEL gifts to Pews to the Polls are tax deductible.
I believe our efforts had a positive impact on our state. Once again, the second Congressional District delivered one of Maine’s electoral votes for President Trump. As we wait for the results of this race, who knows how significant that one electoral vote may turn out to be? The Hon. Dale Crafts ran a very competitive race in CD2 but eventually lost to the incumbent, Jared Golden. I commend Dale for running a campaign that unashamedly honored his Lord. Jay Allen could not overcome the tremendous financial and demographic challenges and lost to Chellie Pingree in the CD1 race.
A tremendous amount of attention was on Maine’s U.S. Senate race between Sen. Collins and Sara Gideon. Despite significant policy issues with Sen. Collins over the years, the League endorsed Sen. Collins recognizing the tremendous damage of a Democrat-controlled Senate. Despite being behind in every public poll since January, Susan Collins prevailed Tuesday night along with other key Republican Senators around the country maintaining a critical firewall against the progressive agenda of stacking the Supreme Court, repealing the Hyde Amendment, and attacks upon religious freedom.
Once again, the pollsters were the big losers as another campaign season ends. This, along with an incredibly biased press which continues to stoke anti-religious sentiment, makes it more necessary than ever that organizations like the Christian Civic League continue to inform, equip, and provoke advocates of God’s truth to persist and be effective in their engagement of our culture.
Click here for a detailed summary of Maine’s State Senate and House races by our policy director, Mike McClellan.
Gov. Mills Reduces Indoor Gathering Limits
On Sunday, Gov. Mills announced the indoor gathering limit, including religious gatherings, was moving back from 100 attendees to 50 attendees. The League’s Pastors Advisory Board continues to communicate with the Mills’ Administration about moving forward responsibly through the pandemic. Pray for wisdom for all parties involved trying to balance the spiritual needs of our citizens with their safety.
Click here to see our Coronavirus Resources page which includes the most recent information relating to churches and Gov. Mills’ emergency orders.
content may not entirely reflect the views of the Christian Civic League
Even though we are facing restrictions due to the pandemic, we are still willing to serve your ministry by speaking in person or recording services for you. If you are interested in the League helping out with your pulpit needs, contact Carroll at carroll.conley@gmail.com