Help Us Finish Strong

We are in the final phase of Pews to the Polls as we attempt to identify and contact every pro-life citizen in Maine who has not yet voted. Now that we have finished the education phase with the distribution of our voter guides, we will be reaching out to potential voters via texts, phone calls, media, and internet ads. Thus far, approximately $80,000 of the $100,000 has been committed to execute this critical mission thoroughly. Click here to give to Pews to the Polls and make sure we have the resources to get the job done as thoroughly and effectively as needed. Every $25 donation allows us to text 300 Mainers. Every $50 donation enables us to call 100 potential voters.

Minuteman and Beacon Award Ceremonies

This past Saturday night, I had the privilege of recognizing Rep. Trey Stewart and Charlis Sullivan with our Minuteman and Beacon Awards respectively. The award ceremony took place at the United Baptist Church in Mars Hill. Click the images below to watch each presentation.

Piper and Grudem

Pastor John Piper and Dr. Wayne Grudem are two spiritual leaders in this country who have positively impacted many lives for the Kingdom.  John Piper recently released a statement expressing his concerns regarding both presidential candidates. His comments were interpreted by many as an endorsement for Joe Biden. He later clarified he would not be voting for either candidate. His good friend, Dr. Wayne Grudem, subsequently released a statement in response to Piper. In light of both of these men’s stature in the Christian community, I thought it would be appropriate to post both of their comments.

Piper’s Statement        Grudem’s Response

Download Voter Guides below


Not sure which guides you need? CLICK HERE, fill out our form, and we will email you your guides based on your address.


content may not entirely reflect the views of the Christian Civic League

Even though we are facing restrictions due to the pandemic, we are still willing to serve your ministry by speaking in person or recording services for you. If you are interested in the League helping out with your pulpit needs, contact Carroll at


Oct 28th:Mike McClellan
Kennebunkport Republican Meeting
41 Turbats Creek Rd. Kennebunkport
(Wheelhouse Rm.)
Nov 1st:Carroll Conley
East Dixfield United Baptist 
Church Rd., Wilton
9:30 am
Dec 6th:Carroll Conley
Lincoln Center Baptist Church 
517 Military Rd. Lincoln
10:30 am