You Be the Judge

This week, I watched the Center for Medical Progress’s most recent investigative video regarding Planned Parenthood’s sordid practice of harvesting human tissue and organs from live babies or what the nation’s largest abortion provider calls POC’s [products of conception].  Click the video below to watch Planned Parenthood officials and complicit vendors give testimony under oath admitting that tissue and organs are harvested from human beings whose hearts are still beating.

How Important Is the Sanctity of Human Life to You?

As I travel around the state of Maine trying to help pro-life candidates get elected, I wonder if some of my fellow citizens have forgotten what is at stake in this November’s elections. Worse, I wonder if some of them care more about their wallets and/or reputations than these innocent, defenseless babies and frankly the soul of our nation.

I talk to believers who seem more concerned about Donald Trump’s manners and tweets than about getting judges who will protect the sanctity of human life and defend our First Amendment rights. I’ve had several friends tell me, “I’m gonna vote for Mr. Trump and other pro-life candidates, but I’m keeping it to myself. I’m not going to try to persuade anyone to do the same; it’s just too risky in the environment.”

Simply voting “the right way” will not suffice in this year’s election. What are you doing to personally support good candidates in your hometowns? Have you contacted them to offer to put up a lawn sign? Could they use a driver to get them around for campaigning? If you don’t know about your candidates, click here to see the League’s Voter Resources to see incumbents’ voting records and candidate survey results.

Are you willing to be a volunteer and help the League identify and contact pro-life voters here in Maine? If so, click here.

Is your church willing to handout the League’s non-partisan voter guides to help their congregation be informed where candidates stand on abortion, religious freedom, parental rights, and other critical issues? If yes, click here.

Will you donate to the Pews to Polls campaign to help with the costs of our voter guides and get-out-the vote efforts? Click here to donate.


Sep 13th:Carroll Conley
Greene Baptist Church
102 Main St., Greene
9:30 am

Sep 27th:Carroll Conley
First Baptist Church of Waldoboro
71 Grace Ave., Waldoboro
8:30 and 10:30 am

Oct 4th:Carroll Conley
South Levant Baptist Church
784 Horseback Rd., Levant
SS 9 am Church 10:15 am

Oct 4th:Carroll Conley
Kennebec Valley Baptist Church
91 Marston Rd., Waterville
6 pm

Nov 1st:Carroll Conley
East Dixfield United Baptist Church
Church Rd., Wilton
9:30 am

Even though we are facing restrictions due to the pandemic, we are still willing to serve your ministry by speaking in person or recording services for you. If you are interested in the League helping out with your pulpit needs, contact Carroll at