Dear Friend,
If you believe the League can make a positive difference in this fall’s critical elections, now is the time to act and invest in Pews to the Polls. Because of COVID-19, most political observers believe there will be an unprecedented number of citizens choosing to vote by absentee ballot. That means our efforts to identify, educate, and motivate pro-life Mainers must be executed sooner than we ever have in an election cycle. Please click here to donate and make sure the League has the necessary resources to:
- complete research, print, promote, and distribute our non-partisan voter guides
- obtain data to identify pro-life Mainers who do not vote consistently
- inspire and remind those voters through direct mail, phone calls, and texting campaigns
- execute social media campaigns promoting candidates who will defend our values
- recruit and train volunteers
James 1:2 tells us that human anger does not produce righteousness. This verse should cause us to examine our frustrations and anger as they apply to our present situation in our country and state. Are you angry about tax-funded abortions? Are you frustrated about government overreach regarding parental rights? Anger, frustration, and concern without righteous action and response are carnal and of little value.
We must not act in fear and anger, but we must respond as stewards of God’s blessings of freedom and out of love for our neighbors. Please prayerfully consider participating in these actions as a result of your righteous concerns:
- We need callers, texters, voter guide distributors, and data entry. Click here and fill out our form if you can volunteer.
- Click here to order voter guides for your church, organization, or yourself.
- Click here to donate to the Pew to the Polls campaign.
Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, we will not host Fall Banquets this year. Please pray for us as we plan and organize in-home dinner parties throughout the state this fall. If you’re interested in hosting such an event to introduce folks to the League, email me at
The time to act is now. All our plans and actions will be for naught if they are not bathed in prayer. Let us not grow weary in striving to see Maine become a state where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.
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