CCL Annual Events Canceled

Due to the uncertainties surrounding the pandemic, the League leadership has decided not to schedule our Annual Fall events for 2020. Instead, we will be organizing in-home events with Board members and other League partners who would like to host an event to introduce new folks to the great work of the Christian Civic League and the Christian Education League. If you are interested in hosting one of these in-home events, please click here to email me.

Abby Johnson Speaks at RNC

Former Planned Parenthood employee of the year turned pro-life warrior, Abby Johnson made a compelling speech about the harsh and brutal realities of abortion on Monday night at the Republican National Convention. Click the video below to see Abby’s speech.

Iowans Show the Love of Christ 

Greg Baker is the Church Ambassador Network director for our partner, the Family Leader in Iowa. I love Greg’s heart for Christ and his vision to see bible-believing churches effectively and dramatically impacting their community for Christ. That is my vision for the CEL’s Church Ambassador Network here in Maine. Click here to read Greg Baker’s article describing how the churches in Iowa are loving their neighbors as their state recovers from the terrible storm, Derecho.


Aug 16th:Carroll Conley
Lincoln Center Baptist Church
517 Military Rd., Lincoln
10:30 am

Aug 23th:Carroll Conley
Hosanna Church
109 School House Rd., Oxford
11:00 am

Sep 13th:Carroll Conley
Greene Baptist Church
102 Main St., Greene
9:30 am

Sep 27th:Carroll Conley
First Baptist Church of Waldoboro
71 Grace Ave., Waldoboro
8:30 and 10:30 am

Oct 4th:Carroll Conley
South Levant Baptist Church
784 Horseback Rd., Levant
SS 9 am Church 10:15 am

Nov 1st:Carroll Conley
East Dixfield United Baptist Church
Church Rd., Wilton
9:30 am

Even though we are facing restrictions due to the pandemic, we are still willing to serve your ministry by speaking in person or recording services for you. If you are interested in the League helping out with your pulpit needs, contact Carroll at