Dear Friend,
God’s plan to change the world with the power of the Gospel has remained constant. It is His Church, when courageous and obedient, that will deliver His hope, His healing, and His blessings to our lost and broken communities. What a privilege to for the Christian Civic League partnering with churches in Maine in their divine mission since 1897.
While God’s plan hasn’t changed, the world certainly has changed in the last two months in ways many of us never anticipated. I certainly never dreamed I would be in the consuming role of representing Bible-believing churches before our government as we navigate the challenges of this pandemic. I covet your prayers for unity and wisdom as pastors and I attempt to present the needs and perspectives of the church before our leaders.
As critical and consuming as this process has been, we cannot take our eyes off this fall’s state and national elections. We cannot forget the recent assaults upon life, religious freedom, and parental rights by our state and national legislative bodies:
- forcing citizens to pay for abortions
- legalizing physician-assisted suicide
- allowing abortions up to and even after birth
- denying parents the right to seek counseling for their children consistent with their religious convictions
- legalizing marijuana
That’s the shortlist. Even in the midst of this pandemic upheaval, we must prepare for these elections.
Every election cycle, the League organizes the Pews to the Polls campaign to inform and mobilize citizens that care about life and religious freedom by:
- recruiting and training citizen volunteers
- providing accurate and informative voter guides
- executing get-out-the-vote strategies
- endorsing and promoting candidates who will defend our values
The first step in acquiring the financial resources for Pews to the Polls is our God and Country Offering campaign. We ask like-minded churches to take an offering around the Fourth of July to help us with the cost of Pews to the Polls.
I know many churches and individuals are financially challenged right now. We have a need, and I am asking for your help. If you can participate – great. If not, we understand, and know the Lord will provide our needs. Please pray about your possible participation in our God and Country Offering. It would be encouraging if you go click here to sign up.
I know many of you love the League and pray for our team regularly. These last two months have been one of the most difficult times I’ve experienced since becoming the executive director in 2010. I don’t tell you this for sympathy. I want you to know how much I appreciate and need your prayers. Let’s all continue to pray that Maine will become a state where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.