Dear Friend,

I was raised by Christian parents who were optimists; therefore, I approach each New Year with the hope of God’s blessings knowing His purposes will be fulfilled. This hope is neither naïve nor irresponsible as I have grave concerns regarding our state, our country, and the world. Like you, I know the solution to every one of these concerns is God’s truth – – that is why we must be courageous and caring advocates for His truth.

I know you care about the same things that concern me. As we look back upon the many disappointments of 2019 and look forward to 2020, the question I ask is, “Do we care enough?” I don’t do this very often, but I’m asking you to listen to a sermon I preached in October that challenges all of us on this very question. CLICK HERE to hear this sermon.

I hope and pray we care enough to make a difference in 2020 by:

  • starting  Culture Impact Teams in churches all over Maine (email our policy director, Mike McClellan, at for information)
  • fully funding our Church Ambassador Network promoting the godly influence of pastors praying in our capital
  • continuing our Better Work job fairs offering the dignity of work to recovering addicts and felons through the local church
  • advocating for God‘s truth in the halls of Augusta and Washington through direct lobbying and grassroots efforts
  • overturning the mandated vaccine bill this March (I strongly urge you to go to and donate to this campaign)
  • being a positive force in the 2020 elections by providing accurate voter guides, promoting good candidates, and mobilizing value voters

That’s quite a list. You could say these are the League’s New Year’s resolutions.

We cannot accomplish these goals without your financial partnership. We cannot execute a mission without your prayers. To be effective, we need to increase our revenue by 25% in 2020. If you are not giving, please consider joining us on a monthly basis. If you are already giving, please prayerfully consider our need and increase your investment in the work at the League. Don’t underestimate how helpful and important it is to tell others about the League and encourage them to partner with us.
I always fear that challenging people to increase their support can be perceived as ungrateful. It is not easy for me to ask for financial support, much less asking partners to do “more.” I believe the League is vital to God’s people here in Maine. I believe our team is worthy of the fruits of their labor. Please help us continue to strive to see our state and our country become places where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.