“The people who know their God shall stand firm and take action” Daniel 11:32b
Dear Friend,
At the risk of being accused of exaggeration, I still must write this statement: this may be the most important appeal letter I’ve written in over five years. For months, pro-life Mainers have been expressing their displeasure with our legislature for passing horrible bills legalizing destructive practices like Tax-Funded Abortions and Physician-Assisted Suicide. I’ve been asked over and over, “What can we do to stop these bills from becoming laws?” Well, the “what can you do” is now directly in front of us: the People’s Vetoes.
Between now and September 18th, we need to collect and verify approximately 80,000 signatures of registered Maine voters in order to give our citizens the choice of repealing Tax-Funded Abortions and Physician-Assisted Suicide in the June 2020 elections.
There is no other way to say this: unless God‘s people “stand firm and take action”: we will not succeed. We are counting on Bible-believing churches to hold signing events on Sunday mornings so attendees can sign petitions before and after services. We also need Christians to personally take petitions and collect signatures within their own networks and
This process is not easy. It requires instruction and organization for individuals and churches. Time is short; we cannot wait to begin this process. Go to cclmaine.org/pv for everything you need to know to get involved.
I thank the Lord for the tremendous team of talented and committed staffers and volunteers we are assembling for this enormous undertaking. The cost of getting the necessary signatures for Tax-Funded Abortion and Physician-Assisted Suicide will be over $120,000. So far, we’ve had just over $50,000 pledged for this cause.
Please designate a sacrificial and generous gift to the Christian Civic League for the People’s Vetoes Campaign by noting your gift on your coupon or click here to give online. We are also required to get the occupation and employer of every donator who gives to the People’s Vetoes. If you could write that on your check, or send us an email with that information, that would save us from having to contact you to get it.
This effort is expensive and difficult. It will not be accomplished without sacrifice and a lot of hard work.
We have scheduled our Annual League Fall Events. I pray we will be celebrating the successful completion of our signature-gathering campaign. Our keynote speakers are Joyce Smith and Jason Noble from the movie Breakthrough. Joyce is the mother of John Smith, who broke through the ice and was clinically dead for nearly an hour before God answered Joyce’s prayers and brought John back to life. Jason Noble was the family’s Pastor through this ordeal. We also will be
Click Here for more details. Be sure to check our website regularly for event updates.
Thanks to all of you who have been praying for Tristan Starbird and his work as our Outreach Director. Our first Better Work job fair was a tremendous success, and other job fairs are being scheduled for Waterville and Bangor this fall. Pray for God‘s anointing as Tristan also is laying the groundwork for our Church Ambassador Network. Our goal is to have pastors on-site in Augusta praying and being a godly influence upon our state leaders by January. For information about the Christian Education League and our Outreach programs, contact Tristan at outreach@cclmaine.org or call him at 680-0527.
Full transparency – – sometimes I get discouraged and overwhelmed with this calling, but I thank God for the people in my life who encourage and remind me that He is in control. My wife texted me this verse last week: “… the work is great and extensive. Our God will fight for us.” Nehemiah 4:19a and 20b. May we continue to trust Him as we