Dear Friend,
Recently, while being interviewed on a secular radio station, the host unexpectedly asked me, “Carroll, this has been a tough legislative session for you and the League. Do you mind if I ask how these defeats affect your faith?“ I was somewhat surprised but told him, “Honestly, there have been discouraging days, but in those times I have been reminded the timeless truths for which we advocate are not confined to two-year election cycles.” Regardless of the outcome, we will advocate for God’s truth praying individuals will be drawn to Jesus who is the source of all truth. He is the answer to every challenge we face in Augusta and DC.
It is difficult to draw positive aspects from this legislative session with the passage of tax-funded abortions, lesser qualified medical personnel being allowed to perform abortions, and other bills disregarding the sanctity of human life, religious freedoms, and parental rights. However, I have been encouraged by the unprecedented response by citizens participating in the process by showing up to public hearings and rallies, texting, emailing, and calling their leaders. I also am extremely thankful our ministry partners made sure the League team had the necessary resources to effectively advocate. We exceeded our goal of $40,000 for the Beacon Campaign.
There are a few issues that remain in our sites as the session comes to an end. Bills regarding marijuana, gambling expansion, and monitoring the budget process will be our focus.
As the session winds down, more of our time and energy will be invested toward our Outreach programs under the direction of Tristan Starbird. Please pray us as our first Better Work job fair will take place on June 13 at Centerpoint Church in Waterville from 11 AM – 2 PM. If you desire more information about our church-hosted job fairs, email Tristan Starbird at outreach@cclmaine.org.
Tristan and the League will also be heavily investing in our Church Ambassador Network [CAN]. I wish I could effectively express how eager I am to see pastors showing up to our capital and being a godly influence through prayer and encouragement for our state leaders.
Each summer, we ask churches to consider taking a God and Country offering for the League. During election years, these offerings help with our get-out-the-vote and voter guide expenses. This year, we are asking churches to take an offering for the Outreach programs: Better Work and the Church Ambassador Network. Checks should be made out to the Christian Education League. If you so desire, gifts can be designated to Better Work or the Church Ambassador Network in the memo line. Otherwise, funds will go to the Outreach program in general. Traditionally, churches have taken offerings around the Fourth of July (this year would be 6/30 or 7/7). If your church is going to participate, please be an encouragement and let us know.
Thank you again for your prayers and support which allow us to continue to work to see Maine become a state where God is