Pastor Craig from Centerpoint Community Church in Waterville was a gracious host to our first Better Work Launch and Learn designed to equip churches to serve their local communities through economic empowerment. Carroll Conley opened our discussion and Outreach Director Tristan Starbird shared with pastors how they can meet the needs of their community. We heard from local pastors who have worked with many individuals who struggle to find and or keep jobs. As a result, the Christian Education League is partnering with Maine Bible-believing Churches to address the problem, by relationally connecting with people who genuinely desire to work.
Our first job fair:
Date and Time:
Thursday, Jun 13th
11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Centerpoint Community Church
155 West River Road
Waterville, Maine 04901
Event Details:
Join Centerpoint Community Church, Better Together, and the Christian Education League of Maine for a community job fair.
Job seekers register here to receive updates about the job fair and check back for updates on attending employers. Currently, T-Mobile, Western Maine Behavioral Health, and F3 have agreed to come ready to hire!
Employers and church partners interested in joining us can email cclmaineoutreach@gmail.com for more details on booth availability, sponsorship and participation opportunities.