Dear Friend,
For months, we have declared the dangers of LD 912, the Conversion Therapy Ban, and citizens like you have expressed your concerns about this dangerous bill. Despite a valiant defense of parental rights and freedom of speech, it appears we will not prevail in the legislature. The good news is Gov. LePage has committed to vetoing LD 912. I thank God for Gov. LePage and the legislators who will stand with him to make sure LD 912 does not pass.
With the legislative session coming to an end, the League will now turn our focus to the June 12th primaries and this fall’s elections. We are committed to preserving the legacy of Gov. LePage and our other prolife defenders of religious freedom in the Maine legislature and Congress. If we do not succeed in informing and motivating God’s people to participate in these upcoming elections, that legacy is definitely at risk.
The resources necessary to be a positive influence in the upcoming elections are raised in our Pews to the Polls campaign. We are asking churches to take a God and Country offering around the Fourth of July to help kick off our Pews to the Polls campaign. If you are going to participate in the God and Country offering, or if you have any questions, email us at
Speaking of the June 12th primary, our primary voter guide is now posted on our website at I encourage you to check out the web version that has expanded candidate comments on each issue. The voter guides are 501(c)(3) approved and appropriate for church distribution. Email us at if you would like a copy mailed to you.
Please pray we will meet our goal of $40,000 for our Beacon campaign. So far, we have raised nearly $29,000 to help defray our legislative expenses. We also ask you to continue to pray for God ‘s direction and provision as we plan for the implementation of our Flourish Now efforts in the areas of promoting foster care/adoption in the church as well as helping recovering addicts and others to experience the dignity of work.
We thank God for every one of our partners who co-labor with us to see Maine become a state where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.