December is here again, Friend!

The Christmas lights on our letterhead do more than just send Advent greetings to our supporters. They remind all of us as followers of Christ, we share the same mission: shining His light into the darkness of this world.

I’m sure many of you gathered around well-stocked tables with friends and family to express gratitude and Thanksgiving Day. I know we at the League certainly thank the Lord for all of you who made our banquets in Bangor in Auburn great successes last month. A special thanks goes to the Benham brothers, Paul Weber and Gov. LePage for participating at these great events.

I am also pleased to announce all of our hard work campaigning against the referendum effort to bring a casino to York County (Question 1) paid off. The people of Maine declared a resounding “No!” to Shawn Scott and company as Question 1 experienced the greatest defeat in the history of Maine referenda. Unfortunately, we were not able to persuade the people of Maine that Question 2 (Medicaid expansion) was a bad idea due to abortion expansion, but I want to thank all of you who supported us and made it possible for us to effectively advocate on both of these issues.

Now, we are preparing for the second legislative session which begins in January. Typically, the second session is not as busy as the first, but we expect to be dealing with the following issues:

*extending the moratorium on recreational marijuana use and negotiating the regulations regarding the commercial and medical marijuana industry

*opposing a bill which would allow midwives and family nurse practitioners to perform abortions

*supporting an amended version of the Wrongful Death bill nearly defeated last session

*opposing a bill prohibiting Biblical counseling for minors struggling with same-sex attraction

Our opponents in each of these issues will be well-funded and committed to their cause. In order for us to effectively execute direct lobbying and grassroots lobbying, we will need the financial and prayer support of allies like you. As we prepare our budget for 2018 and count the cost of legislative efforts, I urge you to prayerfully commit to supporting the League.

In addition to our legislative efforts, 2018 will see the initiation of our exciting partnership with Safe Families and Flourish Now. We know, as Maine continues to be consumed by the opiate epidemic, the church has the answer to this incredible challenge. The Christian Civic League is poised to equip the church with these two effective programs revealing the relevance of the church by assisting families with foster care and helping recovering addicts access the dignity of work.

As 2017 comes to a close, would you consider a year-end contribution to the Christian Education League?

Your tax-deductible donation will allow us to properly lay the foundation for these groundbreaking programs addressing the substance abuse crisis facing our state. I can’t wait to promote the good work of Safe Families or to see the first job fair in a Maine church offering support and hope to someone trying to break the chains of addiction. This will not happen unless individuals and churches get behind these programs financially.

Once again, thanks to all of you who made 2017 a very effective year for the Christian Civic League of Maine. Let’s continue to work and pray that Maine will become a state where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.




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