What Maine Leaders have to say…

What Maine Leaders have to say…

Carroll, It has been a distinct pleasure to work with you personally and to witness your interactions with others during this legislative session. You have comported yourself with grace, civility and intelligence and have earned the respect of legislators, staff, public officials and lobbyists of all stripes. I would count you as one of the most honorable and successful advocates of the session. Honestly. Thank you for all that you do.

Gov. Janet Mills

Former AG (D)

The faith community and social conservatives let their voices be heard in this past election. No one did more than the Christian Civic League to inspire and inform those citizens. Let us all work together to make sure these results become a movement not a moment. (after the 2016 elections)

Hon. Paul LePage

Former Governor (R)

As a Franco-American, raised in a traditional Catholic home, I share the values of thousands of my fellow Mainers and appreciate The League, under the direction of Carroll Conley, standing up for the Pro-Life cause.

Hon. Bruce Poliquin

Former Congressman (R)

“The Christian Civic League provides invaluable stewardship in protecting the religious liberties of all Maine citizens. The organization’s thorough knowledge of the most important and complex issues of our time provides a tremendous resource for legislators in helping them guide their decisions. The Christian Civic League’s presence at the State House is a benefit to all Mainers.”

Hon. Michael Thibodeau

Former Senate President (R)

“Through the tireless work and leadership of Carroll Conley and Michael McClellan, the Christian Civic League of Maine remains the most influential advocate for Christian values in the state. During the past legislative session, Carroll and Mike were a valuable resource for the House Republican caucus and an integral part of stopping LD 912, a poorly crafted bill seeking to ban conversion therapy in Maine. Through the continued leadership of Carroll Conley, the influence of the CCL on public policy in Maine will surely grow.”

Hon. Kenneth Fredette

Former Republican House Leader

In my experience as a Christian serving in the legislature for the last eight years, the Christian Civic League’s research and information that they’ve provided to us from a Christian values perspective has been priceless in our efforts to oppose or promote each piece of legislation in front of us.

I not only appreciate them but find so much value in what they do in support of our Christian values that they are the only organization I personally financially support.

Hon. Joel Stetkis

Maine GOP Chair, Former Assistant Republican House Leader

“I am thankful to have the Christian Civic League active in the halls of Augusta, vocalizing my values, long before my arrival. The League advocacy has been effective where I believe it counts most. Carroll Conley has gained the respect of legislators as a man of integrity, even amongst legislators who disagree with the conservative viewpoint.

Personally, the most influential role the league has played in my first legislative session is to recommend me for the Family Policy Foundation’s Statesman Academy. The time spent learning with legislators and mentors from around the country significantly impacted my faith, and my belief about my calling to the role I now have in the Maine Senate. The Statesman Academy was a life-changing experience.”

Sen. Lisa Keim

Assistant Republican Senate Leader

“The CCL is always helpful in supplying research results, factual information, and access to national think tanks. Equally, or perhaps more importantly, they are there to offer a kind word or smile of encouragement on days in Augusta when it would be easy to grow weary in doing good work.”

Sen. Stacey Guerin


“As a freshman legislator, I found the League to be an invaluable resource in the halls of the State House. They had some of the best presence and were always available and easy to access when you needed their assistance. Additionally, they were able to sponsor my attending of the Statesmen Academy in Colorado Springs with other freshman legislators to strengthen our understanding of complex issues and build bonds with others who are “in the trenches” in legislatures across the nation. These educational opportunities are so important for new legislators to be able to better understand the issues on which they’re voting and provide them with systems of support that extend far beyond and long after the initial meeting. I’m grateful to have a resource like the Christian Civic League in our State House and look forward to working with them in the future.”

Sen. Harold “Trey” Stewart lll

Replublican Senate Leader

The Christian Civic League of Maine has been a great resource for me in my time as a Maine Legislator. The League is available and helpful in providing information and insight on issues important to Maine families, to Maine people who value life and individuals who cherish religious freedom.

I appreciate the upfront support that the League staff, Carroll and Mike, provide, as well as always being available in the statehouse hallway or through various means of contact. I know that they are available, well informed and have values I also believe in.

Sen. Brad Farrin


We worked together on the TANF deprivation bill, which was an excellent example of a bill that spoke to both progressive and conservative values. While my views are not in sync with much of the CCL’s agenda, I have immense respect for the fact that you are guided by your clear moral standards, rather than by adherence to a partisan agenda.

… You are always friendly and smiling, whether I’m voting with you or not. You clearly invest in relationships, and you have built up a stock of credibility with me.

Hon. Dale Denno


Carroll, I think that you represented Christian Civic League in a very professional manner. The work that you have done for the League should be recognized by your peers. Working with legislators from both sides of the aisle like you did will bring more positive results from future legislatures. It was a pleasure to work with you and keep up the good work that you are doing for the League.

Hon. Stephen Stanley


“It has been very encouraging to me during my two terms as a legislator to know that the Christian Civic League of Maine is always front and center at the State House standing up for religious freedoms. The League has worked tremendously hard to fight against funding Planned Parenthood of Maine, fought to defeat LD 912 – the Conversion Therapy bill and lead the bipartisan effort to pass an FGM  bill  which would not only make FGM illegal in Maine but would also give authority to prosecute the cutter and the parents for violation of the FGM law, just to name a few. It is very comforting to know the League is always monitoring legislation that will have an effect on our religious freedom one way or the other.”

Hon. Richard Pickett

Former Legislative Prayer Caucus Leadership , (R)

If you haven’t noticed, our nation, founded upon Christian values and principles, is hanging in the balance. The moral fiber of this state is being ripped to shreds before our eyes. Throughout history, God has been faithful to those who honor Him. He has demonstrated his great power through the few who stand firm on the rock of Truth. As a public servant standing in the gap for the people of Maine, The Christian Civic League has always been a source of support and encouragement. Together we have faced very difficult challenges as we battle the evils of a diabolical mission creep. The CCL is a beacon of Light and Truth in a darkening state.

Rep. Heidi Sampson


Having a relationship with the Christian Civic League is a game changer “of a higher order”.…particularly if you are at the Capitol doing the people’s business!! I spent many years without their vital presence in the Halls. Gratefully, that changed. I have now spent equally as many very hopeful, purposeful years with the League inside the State House qualified and eager to inform Legislators on important, often challenging social issues.

 Simultaneously, I sense their sincere support of our work which they realize often puts us under either implied or publicized pressure from multiple directions. If needed, I can reach out, ask and ponder deeper because of their vigilance.  Plain and simple, there’s a greater sense of feeling secure while fighting for the Right because of their witness and dedication to that cause! Thank Heavens!!!

Hon. Susan Austin


“The Christian Civic League of Maine provides a very valuable service to the people of Maine, and to those of us in the Legislature. They do an excellent job of keeping us abreast of not only what is happening in Maine but also throughout the entire country. Many of the issues we face here are occurring in other places as well, and it’s illuminating to find out how they are addressed in other legislatures. The Civic League is also helpful in getting data and information to us that enables us to make informed, rational decisions on matters that are important to citizens we represent. We usually have a lot on our plates, and there is a need to obtain relevant information in a timely and fairly concise manner. They are able to do that, and the resources the Civic League provides has proved invaluable in helping me sort through the information and documentations as I take positions and cast votes on issues that are often very controversial. Their ability to analyze bills and amendments that come before us, explaining what the ramifications will be with the passage of particular proposals, is also an indispensable benefit that the Civic League provides. They are well respected, even by legislators with opposing viewpoints, which speaks very well for their reputation at the State House. They are a tremendous asset for us in the legislature, and for the people we represent.”

Rep. Dick Bradstreet


As a new legislator, I have come to find Mike McClellan and the Christian Civic League to be a great resource of information on bills that are important to the people of Maine.  Mike’s genuinely friendly greeting every morning is like that ray of sunshine that we often need in preparation for the battles that we wage in the State House, especially after a long night in Session. 

Defending our religious liberty, being the voice of the unborn and standing against the onslaught of those that seek to limit or remove our God given rights is a difficult and often thankless job.  Having attended Bangor Christian School with Carroll Conley, I am comfortable that his views and those of CCL are grounded in biblical truths and Christian values.  I appreciate the Christian Civic League leadership on all these issues as well as the prayers and support that they continually provide to legislators, regardless of faith, both in Session and in recess.  Thank you.

Rep. Jack Ducharme


The Christian Civic League of Maine has been a tremendous asset to the People of Maine and the Maine Legislature during my service. The outreach and information provided is invaluable in connecting Legislators about policies that affect Christian values and religious freedoms.  I am grateful for the leadership and support from Carroll Conley and Mike McClellan and the CCL of Maine for their assistance with and keeping our faith and freedom in the forefront, support and expertise for Legislators in making informed and faith-based decisions.  We are blessed to have such a great team at the Christian Civic League.

Rep. Randall Adam Greenwood


The CCL is an integral partner under the dome for numerous priorities of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland.  It is a source of comfort and inspiration to work with others who share our mutual respect for the majesty and mystery of human life.  I am thankful to the Lord to have such credible witnesses to Christ as co-workers in the vineyard.

Suzanne Lafreniere

Director of Public Policy, Roman Catholic Diocese

I applaud the work that the Christian Civic League has done throughout Maine’s faith communities and at our State Capitol. Each of the members of the Maine Pro-Life coalition had a key role to play in the fight against LD 1619.  Maine Right to Life is so grateful for the tireless lobbying of Mike McClellan, the insightful policy analysis of Nick Adolphsen, and the hard work of Carroll Conley getting the churches involved:   faith leaders signing a petition,  pastors who agreed to open up their churches for Speak up for Life events, other churches who set up tables, and spoke from the pulpit to get involved, come to Augusta, and speak up for the precious innocent voiceless unborn.  Protecting innocent life is hard work.  Working together makes the job so much easier.  Thank you, Christian Civic League!

Karen Vachon

Executive Director, Maine Right to Life

I can’t begin to tell you how important the Christian Civic League has been to myself and my colleagues in
the Maine Legislature as we have been faced with the issues that tear away at the fabric of faith and family. The Christian Civic League has been the greatest resource for me in my four terms in the Maine Legislature. Members of the Christian Civic League are at the Capitol every day. They provide much-needed information
on critical bills for me on the Judiciary Committee and assist all legislators on issues that affect citizens of
faith each day. Mike McClellan and Carroll Conley are always ready to lend assistance at the Capitol or on the phone– nights and weekends. Their work is tireless and impressive. Many times, when prayer is just what the doctor ordered, they will
lead myself or others in prayer, laying important issues like abortion at the feet of our Lord and Savior, Jesus
Christ. Their positive and faith-based approach has helped sustain me in many of the tough fights that I
have encountered in Augusta over the years. I thank the Lord every day for their faith, effort, and help! Keep
up the great work!

Rep. David Haggan

Judiciary Committee Member, (R)

This past legislative session, I have been so thankful for the steadfast support of the Christian Civic League as we fought side-by-side against LD 1619. Speak Up for LIFE and the CCL partnered together in a remarkable way to mobilize Mainers against late-term abortion. The relationships that the CCL has built with pastors over the years paved the way for open doors to hold Speak Up events in churches around the state, which in turn aided in engaging hundreds, and even thousands, of individuals in this legislative battle.

It is a rare leader that will put ego aside in order to advance the cause over the organization (in this case, the fight for LIFE), but Carroll did just that. I have learned much from his example and will be eternally grateful for the wholehearted support he and Mike [McClellan] have freely given to me and Speak Up for LIFE over the last six months.

Rep. Laurel Libby

Speak Up for LIFE Founder, (R)

The legislature can be a dark and lonely place, and sometimes I get discouraged and wonder if anybody cares about my hard work and if it’s worth it. During several of these times, CCL has sent out alerts to members, letting them know that we need to hear from them. These notes and calls of encouragement have been an enormous help to me!

Rep. Amy Arata


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