At the Christian Civic League of Maine, our vision is a state and nation where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Christian Civic League of Maine. The League, founded in 1897, is a nonpartisan, nonprofit research and education organization dedicated to the preservation of the family and Christian values.

The Mission of the Christian Civic League is to bring a Biblical perspective to public policy issues that impact the family and equip citizens to be voices of persuasion on behalf of traditional family values in their localities.

With our office located just minutes from the Statehouse in Augusta, we keep a close watch on the day-to-day activities of state government and are involved at numerous levels of the policy-making process.

We work closely with other organizations and often provide speakers and conduct educational seminars for a variety of groups on various public policy issues.

  • We believe God’s timeless design for the family is the strongest foundation for a free society. We equip and motivate Mainers and Christ’s Church as a whole to cast their ballots and raise their voices in support of pro-family candidates and policies.
  • We believe human life is sacred. We’re all created in the image of God, so we respect and protect life, including pre-born babies, the elderly and every other condition of the human experience through natural death.
  • We believe the Founding Fathers got it right when they guaranteed the “free exercise of religion.” We protect the freedom of individuals, churches and businesses to speak and act according to their faith.

You have multiple ways to partner with us to expand your impact on Maine and our nation:

  • Pray – Prayer is our most powerful weapon; Please pray for our state, nation, pastors, congregations, allies, our board and staff.
  • Volunteer – Call our offices at 207-622-7634; We would love to hear more about you and let you know about volunteer opportunities at the League.
  • Take ActionSign up for our newsletters and action alerts, so you are informed and know when and how to take action; Our Action Center helps by providing convenient forms, sample wording and talking points, and automated delivery options.
  • Give Financially

Your partnership is a sacred trust. And we’re committed to absolute financial accountability and the protection of your privacy.  Copies of our financial statements can be requested by calling our offices at 207-622-7634.

We realize that it is our responsibility to use these precious gifts, that represent sacrifices from loving and concerned people, passionately and wisely to advance the Gospel, morality and family values as defined by Biblical principles.

God Bless,

Carroll Conley, Executive Director



Executive Director Bio


Carroll Conley, Jr., an 11th generation Mainer, grew up in north/central Maine where his parents faithfully took him to the United Baptist Church in Milo.

After graduating from Bangor Christian Schools, Carroll attended Pensacola Christian College where he received a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education. In 1999, he received a Master of Arts from the University of Maine in Orono in Educational Leadership.

Carroll served in administration and athletics at New Testament Christian School in Norton, MA from 1981-1992. He was Head Master at the School for the last five years.

In 1992, Carroll and his family moved to Maine where he served at Bangor Baptist Ministries (now known as Crosspoint Church) as Headmaster, Music Director, and Advancement Director until 2010.

During his tenure as Headmaster of Bangor Christian Schools, Carroll served as the President of the Northeast Principal’s Association and was on the Executive Committee of the Maine Principal’s Association.

In July of 2010, he became the Executive Director of the Christian Civic League of Maine.

Carroll and his wife Terri, married since 1980, have two married sons, and five grandchildren.


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