But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” – 1 Peter 2:9 

Over the past two years, approximately 117 medals have been taken — stolen, really — from high school female athletes in Maine by just two biological males. Their participation impacted competition for more than 1,500 girls. Nationally, over 5,000 men have unfairly competed in girls’ and women’s sports.

This isn’t fairness. This isn’t inclusion. This is a rewriting of reality at the expense of female athletes who deserve a level playing field.

But here’s the good news: People are waking up. Across Maine — and across the country — more and more parents, students, and faith leaders are recognizing the harm these policies are causing and are standing up to say, “Enough is enough.

Let’s be clear:

  • Biology is not bigotry. The differences between men and women are real, scientifically undeniable, and foundational to fairness in sports.
  • Fairness isn’t a political bargaining chip. Girls should not be forced to compete against boys or share private spaces with them. Their safety, dignity, and opportunities matter.
  • Truth doesn’t yield to pressure. No amount of outrage, name-calling, or political maneuvering changes the fact that policies allowing boys in girls’ sports are unjust and harmful.
  • We cannot be silent. Many people know this is wrong but hesitate to speak. But courage is contagious. Each voice that speaks truth emboldens others to do the same.

For too long, our education system — controlled by unions and the intellectual elite — has turned schools into battlegrounds over ideology at the expense of education. While students struggle with the basics, biological boys have been pushed into girls’ sports, parents have been kept in the dark, and students have been made the frontline of a social agenda.

But we aren’t without hope: people are standing up — and they’re making a difference. In schools, churches, and communities across Maine, parents and faith leaders are refusing to stand by quietly. They’re speaking up, and their courage is inspiring others to join them.

We recognize this is a difficult conversation — one where tone and tactics matter deeply. Speaking the truth is never easy — but speaking the truth in love is even harder. The only One who ever fully succeeded at both was Jesus Christ. He spoke truth to power, yet did so with a love that defies human understanding.

We must stand firm, speaking with a tone and tactics that align with Scripture. But we cannot allow the left — or anyone else — to redefine what love is. Love is not affirming lies; love is pointing people toward the truth. And the truth is this: God created us male and female, and His design is good. Yet from the beginning, the enemy has sought to distort what God has called good. Today, that distortion has led to widespread confusion, pain, and irreversible harm — especially among young people.

And yet, Satan’s lies often carry a sliver of truth. In one sense, he is right — we are not enough as we are. But not because we were made incorrectly. Not because we need to alter our bodies, identities, or nature. We are not enough because we are sinners in need of redemption. The longing for transformation isn’t wrong — it’s simply misplaced.

True peace is never found in changing ourselves. It is only found in Christ, who transforms hearts and makes us new.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away, behold, the new has come.” – 2 Corinthians 5:17

Culture will shift. Laws will change. But the truth of who God is — and who He created us to be — remains the same. In Him, there is clarity. In Him, there is hope. And in Him, there is power to change hearts, redeem lives, and restore what has been broken.

That is why we press on — not just to win a political battle, but to stand for truth and point people toward the only One who can truly transform. That is the fight that truly matters.

Next week, we will deliver a letter to Governor Mills and members of legislative leadership from pastors all around Maine. More than 130 pastors, representing churches from every county in Maine, have signed the letter — spiritual leaders speaking to difficult spiritual issues.

The text of the letter is included below, and we would welcome additional signatures from pastors in the coming days. If you are a pastor, follow this link to add your name to the letter.

Dear Governor Mills and Members of Legislative Leadership,

We, the undersigned ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, write to you with deep conviction and concern regarding the injustice of forcing young female athletes to compete against biological males.

As spiritual leaders, we are compelled to speak not only on the grounds of fairness and safety but also on the immutable truth revealed in God’s Word: that He created us in His image, distinctly male and female (Genesis 1:27). Policies that ignore these biological and Biblical realities do a great disservice to young women and undermine the very essence of fair competition.

At its core, this is not merely a political issue—it is a spiritual one. From the beginning, Satan has sought to distort and destroy what God has called good. Today, that deception tells young people they are not enough as God made them, that peace can be found by altering their bodies, their identities, and their very nature. Yet true peace is not found in changing what God has ordained—it is found in Christ, who alone transforms hearts and makes us new (2 Corinthians 5:17).

In addressing this injustice, we do so with compassion for those young people and their families who are struggling with their gender identity, but stripping young female athletes of the opportunities they have worked so hard to earn and placing them in physical disadvantage and possible harm is not the answer.

We also acknowledge the weight of public service and the Biblical call to honor governing authorities (Romans 13:1) and pray for those in leadership (1 Timothy 2:1-2). In that spirit, we thank you for your service and pray that you will seek the wisdom of the Lord in addressing this pressing issue.

We urge you to act swiftly to restore fairness in women’s sports, ensuring that our laws uphold both truth and justice for the next generation.