2021 Beacon Campaign

The mission statement of the Christian Civic League of Maine is Bringing a Christian perspective to public policy. Central to the execution of that mission is our direct and grassroots lobbying efforts in Augusta and Washington, D.C.  While lobbying legislators or inspiring citizens to contact their state leaders isn’t the only thing the League does, it always will be a significant part of what we do. Our desire is to be a reliable and inspirational resource to Christians about what is happening in our state and national capitals.

With the legislature operating online or being sequestered in the Augusta Civic Center, it is more important than ever for the League to have the resources to have an effective grassroots campaign in 2021. Our team will not have the direct access to state leaders as in years past. Legislators are going to have to hear from their constituents to persuade them to defend life, religious freedom, parental rights, and biblical morality.

The Beacon Campaign provides the finances to execute that mission. Frankly, raising money for great projects like the Church Ambassador Network, get-out-the-vote efforts, and Better Work are much easier because all those programs are funded with tax-deductible donations. Lobbying is a 501(c)4 activity and thereby not tax-deductible.  Your donation to the Beacon Campaign will insure we have the finances to:

– research bills and provide support to our allies in the legislature
– inform you of opportunities to use your voice to be an advocate
– identify and recruit like-minded citizens to advocate through social media
– create persuasive and informative content for legislative topics via social media platforms 

The goal for the 2021 Beacon Campaign is $40,000. Click here to donate. Email me at carroll.conley@gmail for details regarding being a business or personal sponsor of our Beacon Campaign.

Volunteer Opportunity

There is a special election in Senate District 14 (Chelsey, Farmingdale, Gardiner, Hallowell, Manchester, Monmouth, Pittston, Randolph, Readfield, West Gardiner, and Winthrop). The League is endorsing pro-life candidate, Will Guerrette. He is running as a clean election candidate and needs $5 donations from folks in his district. If you are interested in volunteering by making phone calls to help with this very important election, contact Aaron Kregenow at 207-242-2376 or akregenow93@gmail.com.

Even though we are facing restrictions due to the pandemic, we are still willing to serve your ministry by speaking in person or recording services for you. If you are interested in the League helping out with your pulpit needs, contact Carroll at carroll.conley@gmail.com