Dear Friend,
Praise God and thanks to all of you who contributed with your prayers and finances to make our 2020 End-of-Year Campaign the most successful ever! At the writing of this letter, we are just $2,500 short of our goal of $100,000. I am confident that as more mail trickles into our office, we will exceed that mark. UPDATE: We have made our goal!
As we begin 2021, let me share with you something I believe the Lord laid upon my heart that I posted on Facebook New Year’s Day:
In the Old Testament, God’s people are told to pray for the peace and prosperity of the city where they abided (Jeremiah 29:7), and a similar charge echoes in the New Testament in I Timothy 2: 1-4 when Christians are admonished to pray for civic leaders so that we might know peace, morality, and dignity.
As we enter 2021, we cannot do so without recognizing the challenges and heartaches of 2020. There is a prevailing philosophy that our life experiences, good or bad, have no meaning- no purpose-no metanarrative. Biblical Christianity offers a contrasting narrative: a holy, omnipotent, God created all that we know (and more) and is working out His plan to His glory and our eternal benefit. This Creator, our heavenly Father, loves us and has a plan for each of us.
The eternal portion of that plan is His desire for you to know Him through His crucified and risen Son, Jesus. For temporal portions of the plan, go back to those verses in Jeremiah and I Timothy. Our Heavenly Father calls upon us to live our lives in pursuit of serving others that they may experience not only temporary peace and prosperity, but through “loving our neighbors” those we serve and those observing our service will be drawn to the Lord and know eternal peace and prosperity.
I know some feel the following statement is a stretch, but I am totally persuaded of its veracity: Loving our neighbors includes telling the truth about the sanctity of human life, God’s design for human relationship/sexuality, parental rights and responsibilities, and the value and stewardship of religious freedom. Telling the truth in love applies to our personal lives as well as advocating for God’s revealed truth in the public square and the halls of capitols.
Please continue to pray that the Lord will provide the resources necessary for 2021 so we can:
- fully fund our Church Ambassador Network and create opportunities for pastors to invest in meaningful relationships with state leaders through their prayer and presence in Augusta
- effectively encourage and support our pro-life, pro-family, legislative allies
- inform and motivate citizens to leverage their voices for God’s truth
Once again, thanks to all of you who partner with the Christian Civic League. Let us continue to co-labor and ask the Lord to make Maine a state where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.