Dear Friend,

For two and half months we have been calling on pro-life Mainers to stand with us, work with us, and pray with us as we have endeavored to initiate People’s Vetoes against Tax-Funded Abortions and Physician-Assisted Suicide. When you receive this letter, there will be just less than two weeks left to gather our signatures and then get them verified. We need to finish strong, and in order to succeed, we need volunteers for the following tasks:

  • Personal circulators- no matter how many or few signatures you can gather between now and September 11th, every signature matters
  • Drivers- we need individuals to deliver notarized petitions to town offices for verification and then pick them up for delivery to our League offices
  • Data Entry-we need individuals who can come to the League office and help us with recording the information to organize and prepare our petitions for submission

This campaign is costly, and it was a battle we did not foresee as we prepared our 2019 budget. I’m asking you to make a sacrificial gift above your regular giving to the League. I want you to know I’m not asking you to do something Terri and I have not already done ourselves. Due to an expensive, emergency with our home, we made a gift to the campaign from our medical savings account. Please donate to the People’s Veto campaign to insure we have the necessary resources get this job done. 

We have scheduled our Annual League Fall Events. Our keynote speakers are Joyce Smith and Jason Noble from the movie Breakthrough. Joyce is the mother of John Smith who broke through the ice and was clinically dead for nearly an hour before God answered Joyce’s prayers and brought John back to life. Jason Noble was the family’s Pastor through this ordeal.

In addition to honoring legislators and citizens with our Minuteman and Beacon Awards, we will be introducing the M.D. Harmon Award recognizing individuals positively impacting the culture in their defense of Biblical values in the media. The initial M.D. Harmon recipient will be Ray Richardson at the East Auburn Baptist Event on November 15th.

For ticket information and more details click here or call Terri Conley at 852-0451

Tristan is also laying the groundwork for our Church Ambassador Network. We are very excited about this program which promotes opportunities for pastors to invest in the lives of our state leaders through prayer and a godly presence at our capitol. If you are interested in either of these CEL programs, please email Tristan at

Continue to pray for Tristan Starbird as he directs our Outreach programs for the Christian Education League. He is preparing for our second Better Work job fair in Waterville this fall as well as preparing for a launch in the Bangor area.

We appreciate your support and covet your prayers in this partnership. Let us continue to strive to see Maine become a state where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.